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"Thought you didn't have any of this potion left. Turns out you still do." Stephanie said out of disbelief, taking the potion. "I didn't. I just made these recently. There are a few more in the bag, along with other potions, a transfiguration potion, a sleep potion, and an invisibility potion. I suggest you use it wisely. It's not easy to get all these ingredients." Vicky said while handing her a sling bag. "One more thing before you leave. How did you get your wand back?"

"I have my ways and they should remain a secret," Stephanie smirks immediately leaving Vicky's room by jumping off her balcony. Vicky rolls her eyes. She turns to face Cyrus. "Cyrus. Call that son of Gaston. I still have one more errand to run." Cyrus leaves the room- using the door.


Hi! So um, heres a bit of spoilers. My test is coming up tomorrow so wish me luck and probably going to be a while to update since im planning on (FINALLY) seeing a doctor because my eyes have gotten worst that it lead me to having a hard time reading without feeling a sting or- well, basically pain. Anyway, wish me luck on any of these events 😅. I'll update once I'm okay or well. 

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