Regal Academy: The Chosen Guardian...by Luxia
In the enchanting world of Regal Academy, six remarkable students have proven themselves as true heroes, rescuing the fairy tale land time and again. Their latest triump...
Regal Academy: The Fairy Tale Adve...by Rose Cinderella
Regal Academy is a place where descendants of princesses and fairy-tale princes attend school, where many magical events occur, crazy experiences and out of mind, defeat...
(DISCONTINUED) Regal Academy: New...by Luxia
A new adventure awaits everyone in the Fairy Tale Land. New friends, new enemies, and new faces are soon to come across. Many questions that are and were left unanswered...
Regal Academy: Hase Will Live Fore...by TrueAgent_I
this is my first time so don't judge me.
This is my plot but some characters are rainbow srl's.
Some are my characters that I made up
Pls dont copy my story
Regal Academy second years (On Hol...by DianaFairytale 3322
Diana and her friends become second years and now join them for bigger adventures, bigger fun , bigger romantic moments and most of all bigger friendship .
We'll Be Together Foreverby arbel2012
Sorry if there are alot of error that you will all see but what can I say it's my first time writing a story
So it's all about the heroes of Regal Academy ... In this st...