
46 3 1

TW\\ C1ger3tt3s, Sw3ars,

"Okay, Bye Ranboo!" Wilbur waved as Ranboo walked away from the van. It was nearly night, Ranboo and him had been working all day. It was surprisingly a busy day,,, I mean, Tommy usually visited. He's always loved Wilbur's cooking. But today, many other people came and got a burger. Meaning both Wil and Ranboo were tired.

Wilbur sighed taking off his apron, "What a day," He scoffed. He walked over to the place where people would walk up and order and shut the window, pulling the metal sheet down. Then, he walked over to the van door to lock it but paused.

He looked over at a box of cigarettes, He didn't like smoking. But, sometimes he needs it. To stay sane. He sighed deeply and grabbed the box, stepping outside. He leaned on a nearby tree and lit a cigarette.

He inhaled, then exhaled. He wasn't proud of himself at that moment. He hadn't smoked in a few days, Tommy never liked when he smoked,,, Wilbur told him he would stop. Wilbur inhaled again, but this time his eyes started to water.

He had been such a horrible brother, father, and friend. He exhaled, his breath was shaky. He held the cigarette between his two fingers and muttered to himself.

"Why am I even still alive..." He sighed, he was going to say something else but was interrupted by a familiar 'baah' of a sheep. He quickly put out his cigarette and looked over to meet eyes with Friend. He faintly smiled, "Hi Friend," The brunette scoffed.

"Baahh!!" Friend held up a red flower. "Oh? Is this for me?" Friend nodded, excited. "Why thank you, It's very pretty." Wilbur took the flower from the blue-haired sheep and put it in his hair,

"There, now it's always with me," Wilbur patted Friend's head and started to walk back to the van. "Now, C'mon. It's getting dark. We don't want you getting attacked by a wolf." Friend jumped and ran towards the tall male.

Friend knew Wilbur would protect him, Wilbur had a connection with this sheep. And he knew exactly why. Friend hugged The brunette's leg, afraid of the wolves. Wilbur giggled and picked them up.

"Don't worry little lamb, I got you," Wil said, entering the van.


"WILBUR." A familiar voice yelled, banging on the door. The brunette jolted awake, The first thing he saw was Friend, They were freaked out and scared. This almost instantly made Wilbur mad. He got up, scooped Friend into his arms, and Opened the door. "What."

Wilbur met eyes with a short duck. "Why did you place those signs?" Wil groaned. "It's too early for this, go away."

"No! I've told you to stay out of my country before, and now you've gone and vandalized it!" The shorter male stepped closer, forcing himself inside the van. Friend was a little bit more frightened, "You're scaring Friend, go away!" Wilbur had raised his tone, making Quackity annoyed.

"Not until Ranboo's here.." Quackity growled back. Wilbur was about to yell some profanity at Quackity, but stopped himself, He took a deep breath. "Friend don't worry, Quackity is a nice guy, He just got mad, that's all! How about you go say hi, Yeah?" Wil set Friend down. The blue-haired sheep looked at Quackity, Unsure.

"What are you planning Wilbur." Quackity crossed his arms.

"Nothing, I just don't want them to be scared anymore,,, Go on Friend, You're okay!" Wilbur reassured. Friend nodded, confident. He walked up to the duck hybrid. "...Baah..!" He waved one of his arms.

This made Quackity smile, slightly breaking character. "Hi, Friend." He knelt down. Wilbur started to fidget. "Could you watch them for a little bit...?" Quackity looked up at Wilbur, "I knew you were going to do something like this. N-"

"Please? I'll be right back." Wil seemed serious. Quackity looked at the tall brunette, and then Friend. "Fine, But if I ever come to you with a favor you have to do it," Wilbur nodded quickly and walked over to his coat he wore yesterday.

He fished something out of the pocket and put it in his hoodie pocket, quickly. Making sure no one could figure out what it was. "What was that," Quackity demanded. "Don't worry about it. It's personal."

"I swear to XD if you do anything to my countr-" Wilbur opened the van door, "Wasn't planning on it, you have nothing to worry about. If I was going to do something like that I wouldn't leave you to watch over Friend."

Wilbur made a good point. "Fine, Don't take forever," The taller male nodded and walked out of the van, closing the door behind him. He sighed, and trotted forward, about 150 blocks away Wilbur sat against a tree.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the box of cigarettes. He sighed once more and pulled out his lighter. He quickly lit a cigarette and closed his eyes, Letting the smoke sink in. "Hey loverboy~" Wilbur's eyes shot open. "Schlatt..?" The goat smiled.

"I didn't know you still smoked..~" Schlatt pointed to the cigarette in Wilbur's hand. "I- I had a good reason." Schlatt shrugged, "Sure you di-"

"How are you here... You're supposed to be dead." Wil took another hit of the cigarette. "Oh, trust me. I still am. But I figured out how to pretty much switch mindsets with that stupid Glatt thing. So it's me, But I can still do all the things ghosts can."

"Oh,,, Well. I should probably go. I left Quackit- I mean... Ranboo- Uh, With Friend." Wil knew he fucked up. "You're still friends with that duck?" Schlatt said, in a judging voice. "...I- No, actually. We're not friends. We're quite the opposite actually.

Wilbur inhaled once again, Schlatt took the cigarette out of his hand. "Hey!" Wilbur got annoyed. Quick. "You need to stop smoking. It's bad for you." Wilbur scoffed. "Yeah. And you need to stop drinking."

Schlatt gasped, "How rude," He said dramatically. The brunette giggled. "Now, My little pretty princess. I must be on my way, Uhm, You can come over later if you want. My van is just over there." Wilbur pointed in the direction of his van. "But, if you do show up later. Make sure Quackity isn't there. He wouldn't be too happy to see you." He continued.

"I- Don't call me that,,, Also, Will do Loverboy," Wilbur smirked. "Bye Schlatt."

"Bye Wilbur. The goat waved as Wil walked away, vanishing behind trees.

END OF CHAPTER ONE!!! (yayy) I was going to do the next chapter today too but the time i'm writing this is at 12am- So I'm going to sleep! (STAY HYDRATED AND SLEEP WELL!!!) Buh Bye for now xx

...1110 words. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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The Duck, The Zombie, and The Drunken Goat. \\ (Schlattitybur)Where stories live. Discover now