There you are again

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Kim was playing his guitar on the balcony when his bodyguard, Big, entered. It annoyed him to have his personal space invaded, but at least this time he had asked them to bring him something.

"Excuse me. This is the information on Porsche that you asked for."

He stopped playing and put his guitar aside as he took the folder Big was holding out to him without a word.

"A lot of incidents have happened to Mr Kinn recently. It's like we've got a mole. Are you thinking the same, Mr Kim?"

Kim pulled the papers out of the folder, there were some pictures attached to the top.

"I'm thinking. If you're done, why are you still here?"

He glanced up at the bodyguard who quickly excused himself. Once he was alone, Kim looked over the information properly. Studying the pictures he found one with two people on it. Porsche had a sister, a sister who looked familiar. He held up the picture of the sister, hardly believing it could be a coincidence. His brother's new bodyguard's sister was the fan he met at the university's open house.

Somehow the girl had managed to catch his attention in the crowd that day. She was cute and obviously a big fan of WIK. Or at least that was what he had thought at the time. Was it all just an act? Had the girl been doing recon for her brother. Kim shook his head. It was unlikely the siblings knew of WIK's true identity. Nevertheless, this could present an opportunity for his own research.

Kim stands up and walks to the wall behind his desk. Slide back the large picture on the wall, a mind map of his investigation was revealed. He added the photos of Porsche and Preeya as he considered his next move.

His father was up to something and Kim had been trying to figure out what from the information he had gathered. Porsche's appearance and now Preeya's possible involvement only confused him more, he needed to figure out their involvement in whatever his father was planning.

The advantage of investigating his own father was that he could easily gain access to the man's office. Searching the office, Kim discovers a locked drawer and after snooping around a bit manages to open it using the clock on the nearby wall.

Inside he finds a folder with two paintings of children's hand prints. Two things made this odd. One he was sure that he nor his brothers took part in such an activity, and two why would something so seemingly innocent be locked away.

Hearing his father in the hallway, he quickly puts everything back.

"What a surprise."

Kim holds up the bag of deep fried dough sticks he brought with him.

"I was running an errand near by. "

"I guess it must have been an important errand."

The two sat down and shared the food.

"I was wondering why you had Big join my security team."

"Big was injured. I needed to find a new guard for Kinn."

"Where did you get one from this time? Solider or ex-police?"

"Bartender, but he's skilled."

"Really? That's strange, you don't normally accept outsiders."

"Why are you interested?"

"I'm more interested in what you're thinking. I'm out of here."

Kim stood up and left his father's office. Heading out his walks through the garden and passed his eldest brother, Tankhun, feeding his fish.

"So you're not dead yet?"

Kim stopped and turned to Tankhun.

"I happened to be around here so I came to visit father."

"I'm not talking you. I'm talking to the fish."

"Right... I'm off."

"Hey. Wait. I'm just kidding, and... are you here to visit or spy on something?"


"Well... did you get anything?"

Khun studies Kim as the younger says nothing.

"Once a nosy person, always a nosy person. nosy, nosy, nosy!"


Kim goes to leave again.

"Hey! You! Are you not going to stay home at all?"

"Do I ever stay home?"

"Well, no. Yeah, I'm out of here. Dad is off. Bye-bye, good night, my babies!"

Khun leaves and Kim takes out his phone. Although he hid it well, his brother had a reason beside that conversation. Kim wasn't the only one that suspected his father's of something.

"Is this Preeya? Are you still looking for a guitar tutor?"

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