Something to say

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The next few weeks were a blur of lessons and practice sessions. Kim found himself looking forward to his time with Preeya more than he cared to admit. He admired her determination and passion for music. Her laughter was a pleasant contrast to the tension-filled environment he was used to. He knew he should be focusing on his investigation, but every time he was with her, those thoughts seemed to fade away.

One afternoon, as they wrapped up their lesson, Preeya looked at Kim with a thoughtful expression.

"P'Kim, can I ask you something?"

Kim set down his guitar.


"Why do you do this? I mean, you're already successful. Why take the time to help someone like me?"

Kim paused, caught off guard by her question. He had been so focused on enjoying their time together that he hadn't considered how to answer such a direct question. He made sure to choose his words carefully.

"I guess... I enjoy teaching, and I see potential in you. You're passionate about music, and that reminds me why I love it too."

Preeya smiled, but her eyes were still curious.

"Thank you, P'Kim. I really appreciate everything you're doing for me."

Kim nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. He was genuinely helping her, but there was still the matter of his initial intentions. He needed to clear his mind and refocus.

Later that evening, Kim found himself back in his apartment, staring at the photos and documents he had gathered about Porsche and Preeya. He knew he should be analysing the information, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Preeya's smile, her voice, the way she lit up when she talked about music.

Frustrated, he grabbed his phone and texted Big.

"Any updates on Porsche?"

Big's reply came quickly.

"Nothing significant. He's keeping a low profile."

Kim sighed. His investigation seemed to be at a standstill, and his growing feelings for Preeya were making everything more complicated.

The next day, Kim and Preeya met at his studio again. This time, Kim was determined to get some answers. After their lesson, he decided to subtly steer the conversation towards Porsche.

"So, Preeya, I remember you mentioned your brother works at a bar and does security work. Does he ever talk about his job?"

Preeya looked a bit surprised but answered readily.

"Not really. He's pretty private about it. I think he doesn't want me to worry."

"That makes sense. He sounds like a protective brother. Have you ever met any of his coworkers or friends from work?"

Preeya hesitated, clearly uncomfortable.

"No, not really. He keeps that part of his life separate from us. I guess he wants to keep us safe."

Kim nodded thoughtfully.

"I can understand that. It must be hard for him, balancing everything."

"It is, but he never complains. He's always there for me and our family."

Kim could see the admiration and love Preeya had for her brother. It made him feel even more conflicted about using her for information. He decided to change the subject to something lighter.

"By the way, have you thought of any new lyrics for our song?"

Preeya's face brightened, and she eagerly pulled out her notebook. As they discussed her ideas, Kim couldn't help but notice how happy she seemed. Her joy was contagious, and he found himself genuinely enjoying the moment.

As the days turned into weeks, Kim's feelings for Preeya grew stronger. He tried to convince himself that it was just part of his investigation, but deep down, he knew the truth. He liked her. Spending time with her made him happy, and he didn't want that to change.

One evening, after a particularly productive session, Kim decided it was time to come clean about something.

"Preeya, there's something I need to tell you."

Preeya looked at him, concern flickering in her eyes.

"What is it, P'Kim?"

Before he could respond, there was a sudden knock on the studio door. Kim's bodyguard, Big, stepped in, his expression tense.

"Khun Kim, we have a situation."

Kim sighed, the moment lost.

"I'll be right there."

He turned back to Preeya, giving her an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Preeya. We'll have to continue this another time."

Preeya nodded, a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"Of course. I'll see you later, P'Kim."

As Kim followed Big out of the studio, his mind raced with conflicting emotions. He knew he needed to focus on the situation at hand, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Preeya. He couldn't shake the feeling that his life was becoming increasingly complicated, and he wasn't sure how to navigate the tangled web of his emotions and his investigation.

Back at his apartment, Kim reviewed the new information Big had brought him. It seemed there was more to Porsche's story than he initially thought. The deeper he dug, the more complex the situation became. But for now, he had to put those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand.

Yet, even as he tried to concentrate, his mind kept returning to Preeya. He knew he was treading dangerous waters, but he couldn't help the way he felt. And once again as night fell, Kim found himself strumming his guitar, the notes blending with the evening air, as he pondered his next move.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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