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Again, I am so sorry for any spelling mistakes and that but this was a quick update for you beautiful people :) enjoy x


"I think your lying to me about you not being able to roller skate." I admitted sitting in the passenger seat of Justin's car.

I spent a few hours at Justin's 'studying'. When I say studying I mean sitting on Justin's bed for a couple of hours watching hilarious youtube clips of weird animals and funny babies. Justin didn't want to watch them but I kinda forced him.

"Well if you don't believe me I can always prove it to you." Justin said stoping at a red light.

"And how are you gonna do that?" I question, turning to look at him as he turns to look at me.

"Easy. Go on a date with me to a roller skating ring and I'll prove to you then." He answers with a smirk.

Erm, I don't think so.


"Why not?" Justin questions, confused. Does he not remember yesterday? I think he has short term memory loss or something.

"Oh I'm sure you know exactly why." I say turning my gaze away from him to look out the window.

"I thought we agreed on putting that all behind us and starting fresh." He confusedly asked, putting the car into gear and started to drive again.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean that I've agreed to trust you. I never have trusted you and I don't think I ever will." I state crossing my arms over my chest.

After that, the rest of the car ride was silent so I'm pretty sure Justin got where I'm coming from. Never would I even think about going on a date with him. I mean, yeah he's cute and all but I still won't date him. Maybe if he wasn't such a twat and didn't hurt me, it would maybe be possible I'd date him.

Shortly after, we arrived back outside the school gates. If your wondering why he brought me here, it's because I don't want to tell justin my address just incase he tries to attack me durring my sleep or something.

Call me crazy but it's possible.

"Thanks for today. Bye" I thank him and just as I'm about to step out of the car, a little yank on my wrist pulled me back.

"Are you sure your gonna be okay walking alone? Why don't you just let me drive you home? I don't want you to get hurt again."

And then, all of a sudden, I just snap at him.

"Oh stop pretending like you care about me because I know for a fact that you don't. Your only being nice to me because of what I told you this morning. Well guess what? I don't need your sympathy or anything your willing to give. Whether it's love or hate I still couldn't give a fuck. Which ever I pick, either way I'm gonna get hurt and I don't need that. So please, do me a favour and don't speak to me again. Thank you for the fun while it lasted." I spoke dryly pulling out of his grip.

I didn't bother waiting for Justin's reply because I knew he'd just say a load of bullshit to try and make me stay in the car which I defiantly don't wanna do.

I only live 15 minutes away from school so I'll be fine. It's not that long of a walk.

Come to think of it, I'm actually being really dumb for saying everything I've just said to justin. I'm basically asking for another beating but who cares! At least I got to say what I wanted to say.

If I randomly get hit out of nowhere tomorrow, I'll know justin did it and that I deserve it.

I walk into my house to see that the house is a mess and my mum is no where to be seen... As usual.

Obviously, I'm the one who's been left to clear up all the crap just like ever other day. But yeah, I'm kinda use to it by now. It's a daily thing.

So as I'm suppose to do, I pick up all the rubbish which was left on the floor from my mum and then I empty the living room bin.

After a few more minutes of cleaning here and there, I finally finish everything and go up to my room. The place that all makes sense and what I like to call home.

If I had a life id probably be on the internet right now browsing and stuff. But like I said before, I don't own a phone or anything so it's kinda impossible for me to do so.

All I do with my life is;
-draw in my sketch book
-eat (when we have food in the cupboards)
-sleep (which is most of the time)
-And watch DVDs on my little ancient TV.

... And that's about it. Oh, no, wait! I forgot school but I prefer going there to being stuck at home.

Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the fount door being slammed shut.

Shit! Mum?

"Bitch! Get your big fat ass down here right fucking now!" She exclaims angrily.

Guess what? She sounds pissed as fuck! It looks like I'm in for a ruff night... Again!

Bullied and loved (A Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now