A new beggining.

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First of all, I am sorry for not updating for a while. I suck, I know. Life has treated me like a piece of shit BUT THATS OKAY! I'm back and hopefully will be updating every other week. Enjoy!

RECAP: Justin went to go and apologise to Anna and after a tiny chat Justin promises to never hurt Anna again.||

*Justin's PoV.*

"Do you feel a bit better now?" I ask pulling away from mine and Anna's hug.

She shakes her head 'no'.

"C'mon! Not even a tiny bit?" I smile using hand gestures as she giggles in response.

"Anyway, why did you walk back here?" Anna stays silent and carries on to walk forward.


"I um- I threw some stuff out the window." She replies with a straight face.

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing as soon as Anna's innocent little voice answered me which caused a blush to appear on her face.

"Why?" I calmed down as I rubbed my aching face from laughing so much.

"Because I'm leaving." She spoke with a hurt expression.

"Woah, woah, woah. What?" I asked dumbfounded.

She sighed. "I cant live here anymore. I'm tired of being treated like a piece of shit by my own mother."

I really didn't know what to say. I could see by the look on her face that she, again, wanted to cry. And I can tell you now, I'm not letting her cry again. This girl cries WAY too much.

"Well, where are you gonna go?" I ask as she bends down to pick up one of her tattered suitcases that she had thrown out of the window. I begin to help as I pick up the other one up.

She shrugs. "I don't know. I'll find somewhere."

"Let me help you." I beg. I'm not having her wandering he streets by herself. I want to make sure she's safe. "I'll pay for a hotel room for you to stay in until you find somewhere to go."

"I don't want your money, Justin!" Anna snapped.

"Where else are you gonna go, Anna?! Not meaning to sound rude but you clearly don't have the money to look after yourself!" I state pointing to her tattered suitcases.

"Yes, I do." Anna croaked. "I have my savings."

"Okay. How much is that?" I question, crossing my arms against my chest.

"$200." Anna whispers, almost inaudibly, looking down at the floor. I sigh.

"Look at me." I softly cup her face as I rest my forehead against hers to make her look at me. "That's not enough."

She knew that wasn't enough. She didn't want to admit that I was right but she needed my help.

Yet again, a small tear escapes the corner of her eye.

"I want to help you, Anna. Let me help you." She slowly nods her head in response as she falls in my embrace.

Moments passed as we both stood hugging each other for what seemed like forever. It warmed my heart.

Pulling out of the hug, I start to speak. "Come on, beautiful. We have some sorting out to do."

*Anna's P.o.v*

"Anna is not staying in a hotel, Justin. I'm not having that." Pattie shook her head in disapproval.

"Mum! She has nowhere to go! What do you expect her to do? Roam the damn stre-" I jump slightly as he raises his voice. Shortly after, I feel him place a hand on my knee in reassurance as he gets cut off by Pattie.

"No. I expect you to be a gentlemen and give up your bed until we figure something out." Pattie says with a slight smirk on her face. Justin raises his eyebrows in surprise as I gleam with happiness. 

I look out of the window to hide my excitement but am soon distracted when I feel a gentle squeeze on my thigh. I look over to Justin to see a huge grin is placed on his face.

"How do you feel? You have to stay with me for a few days." Justin winks with a slight chuckle.

"Maybe even weeks." Justin's mum adds.

I scoff playfully "Pfft, honestly, I'm more excited at the fact I'll be staying with your mum."

Justin gasped showing fake hurt. "You know you love me really."

"Eh. Not really." I told him truthfully. His face dropped.

"Come on! Not even as a friend?" He questions, furrowing his brows.

I simply shook my head 'no'. Sadness was written all over his face and I couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy for the boy.

I don't mean to be a bitch but he hurt me. I'm not going to let him think we're okay just by a click of the fingers. He still hurt me.

"Okay maybe just a teeny-tiny bit." I say showing the smallest gap in between my fingers.

Justin pauses for a moment. "Eh, better than nothing."

Sorry to disappoint with the small chapter but hey at least it's an update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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