Chapter 11

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They take over the area and declare victory over the monsters after killing the goblin general. The medics and healers went to care for the inmates. They treat their injuries and assist those who have been traumatized in finding solace. Everyone is cleaning up the reclaimed land by removing corpses and depositing them in the mountain corpse pile. The SRS flame troopers form a circle around it and use flamethrowers to burn it down. Although they killed the majority of the monsters, they suffered few casualties, so they carried their fallen comrades to at least give them a proper burial, so their sacrifices would not be in vain.

Before the Unyonian soldiers even look at them, the SRS soldiers salute their fallen comrades, and they follow suit. They paid tribute to their fallen comrades by burying their souls and transporting them to the afterlife, where they will be pain-free and happy.

Inside the castle's throne room, Xavier tells Princess Carmella and the council members about the demon lord who founded this continent, bringing monsters to wage war on their kingdom and nearly exterminating them. They were so shocked by the news that a demon lord loyal to a demon king found his way here and attempted to exterminate them in order to remove the remaining those who follow the demon queen's ideals and beliefs.

Carmella: This is why my father died in the war?

Xavier: It is, your highness.

She was stunned by what she had just heard. She buried her face in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. Frieda gave her the comfort she needed to calm down.

Dargan: So, it was a demon lord who started a war on us. He's planning to wipe us out.

Carmella: But why?

She sniffed.

Guzah: To remove the remains of those who follow demon queen ideals.

Xavier: He wants all of you dead, so he sent a demon lord to find this continent and bring monsters to wreak havoc on your people. I find that he really hates you all.

Guzah: He really does.

Dargan: Sir Salvador, you should be cautious about the demon lord. They're highly level demons who possess such incredible demonic magic that they destroy all enemies and he's one of them.

Xavier: I'll be cautious, but I cannot ignore if he continues to send more monsters here to kill us off, so I think it's time to find and kill that demon lord first before he finds us.

Guzah: Wait, you have God-like powers, Sir Xavier.

Xavier: Correct, but since I am new to everything the power they gave me, I need to learn more if I need to control it. Moreover, the demon lord would do anything to take advantage of me if he succeeded. Which is why I am being cautious for now. Frieda...

Frieda: Yes sir.

Xavier: Rally the forces. It's time for the demon lord to hunt.

He and Frieda walk away in the room to find and eliminate the demon lord when Carmella stops them.

Carmella: Wait! Let me come with you.

Xavier: I'm sorry, your highness. But your priority is to rebuild things here and take care of your people. I don't want a demon lord to use this opening to strike out of nowhere and we are not here.

Dargan: In that case, let me join, Sir Xavier. I learned more about demon lords during my time in the demon realm.

Xavier: Alright, you're in. Gather your forces and rally on me. We are not making him wait much longer.


The SRS massive army force along with Unyonian army followed by Dargan moving toward deep into the south region as they encounter more monsters they can shoot on. Xavier pulls out his new weapon, pulse assault rifle, and opens fire at the goblins, the rest of his army follows. A wave of Savatours rushing towards them with both range and melee weapons for full assault. Unfortunately, they were unable to assault them as Xavier sent out three prowler tanks to mow them down mercilessly with rotary cannons and vulcan guns. After they killed the rest of Savatours, they continued moving on. They keep moving forward and forward until they reach the mountain area where they saw a massive number of monsters coming out of the mountain path. Everyone was completely shocked to see many monsters here and they come out from that mountain.

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