You get attacked by the beast (Sandlot)

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Imagine you were getting attacked by the beast and squints caring for your wounds. Trigger warning! Read at your risk! I got this scene from Merlin!

It was a beautiful Sunny morning in the mountain valley of California. You were just on your walk minding your own business until you saw Mr. Myrtle's dog Hercules escaped from his dog home. In so you thought that his dog has been in chains but you thought wrong.

You ran as fast as you could until you turned around to face the beast he charged at you scratched your arm as you winced in pain. He heard Mr. Myrtle calling his name and he finally left leaving you with a bloody arm trailing down you covered it the best you could with a make shift bandage then go get help. You saw about a group of boys playing base ball and all hurried up to go to the tree house because that's what his team captain has told them to. To Benny's way there, he heard a small voice.

You: "Help."

Benny glance around to see who was asking for help.

You: "Help me please?"

To Benny's astonishing, he sees you sitting next to the fence.

You: "He's going to kill me!"

Benny: "Why was he after you?"

You: "You've got to help me please?"

Benny: "This way hurry!"

You ran over to him as he helped you up. You were in the immense amount of pain. He searched the place to see who was after you but all of a sudden, you collapsed in his arms. He headed to the tree house for help.

Squints: "Woah Benny do you know how to knock?"

Benny: "No time for questions I got someone here who needs help."

Squints looked around and to his surprise he sees a girl lying there needing help.

Squints: "Bring her up in here."

They raised you on some sort of emergency harness the boys made. And got you into the tree house. Benny helped you inside. Squints pulled out the first aid kit and brought it over to you.

Squints: "Okay let me see."

Benny slowly rolled up your sleeved arm; showing him the make shift bandage you made. He undid it and the boys All gasped.

Squints: "What happened?"

Benny: "The beast."

Ham: "WOAH!"


Benny: "Not sure but this girl needs our help badly."

Squints: "Alright alright! Let me take care of her and I'll help."

Benny nods his head and the others went inside Small's home leaving Squints and you all alone.

Squints pov:

I organized everything and had a little lamp shining over the wound. I pinned back the girls sleeve over her shoulder to get a better look at her arm. Gosh she looks so pretty almost like Wendy Peffercorn. As soon as I was about to clean her wounded arm, she woke up.

Squints: "Well welcome back."

You: "Where am I? Did I reach Heaven?"

Squints: Nope but your here with me. And I'm
going to help you. What's your name?"

You: "Yn/ln."

Squints: "I'm Michale Palledorous but you can call me Squints."

You smiled and then winced in pain. I got together cotton balls, bandages and peroxide.

Squints: "This is gonna sting a bit okay?"

I pushed my glasses against my face. I begin to disinfect her scratch first she grunts and cried in pain I know it hurts but I have to clean it first or it will get infected. I then got out some peroxide and cotton ball and then begin to gently dab her wound after that I put a big bandage over it.

You: "Thanks."

Squints: Your welcome. Took it like a champ. You might want to stay up here for a while to rest. And when you feel better, we can get some ice cream to celebrate.

She defiantly took it like a champ.

You rested your head back on the pillow I arranged as I got out a blanket to cover her for warmth being careful with her wounded arm. I climbed back downstairs.

Benny: "How is she?"

Squints: "I did the best I could do but for now she is resting. Glad you called her to come here or else I would have never met her. And being her friend.

Ham: "If I wouldn't have known any better Squints, I say you like her!"

Squints: "SHUT UP!"

Yeah Yeah: "Yeah yeah you were I bet you were swooning oh y/n oh y/n please be my best friend forever?

Squints: "I SAID SHUT UP! I've got a lot of things on my mind!"

As soon as you started feeling better you, Benny, the rest of the boys and I got ice cream together and man I really was in love with her. I'll never forgotten her name yn/ln.

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