Small fights☁️ (Kuzunami)

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Hajime and chiaki had been dating for about over a year now. But things did slowly start to change as time went on. Hajime was hanging out less and less with chiaki. He was spending more time with his friends and other women. Chiaki didn't really care at first but the more it happened the more she grew annoyed.

She loved him and wanted him to have his own space and his own life but.. it was like they weren't even together anymore. Chiaki didn't know what else to do but leave him be.
He'll come around, right?

Chiaki tried to spend more of her time outside instead of staying in her room all day. She still played her games but now on a bench in the park. Not many people walked through the area she was in but when they did she would always ask them if they wanted to play a game with her. Some declined and kept walking but others stayed.

Today though someone new walked by, It was fuyuhiko and Peko. Peko looked calm like always but fuyuhiko looked a bit stressed today.

Chiaki smiled as she saw them walk closer. She jumped up from the bench and walked over to them

" hey pekoyama, hey kuzuryu! How are you two? " chiaki said with a smile

" just fuckin' great "

" we're doing just fine " peko smiled back at chiaki

" oh yeah, I was wondering if you guys wanted to play a game with me. It can be quick, I just haven't been able to play with anyone for a while "

Fuyuhiko looked at the game she was holding then at her

" looks dumb "

" I have other games if you want to look at them "

" I'll pass, let's go Peko "

Peko nodded and they both continued their walk. Chiaki sighed a bit as she went to sit back down.

The rest of the day was quiet so she played the rest of her game by herself. After she finished she stood up from the bench and was about to leave but noticed fuyuhiko walking torwards her, without Peko this time.

" hey "

" oh, hey kuzuryu. Did you need something? "

" no "

" okay.. then why are yo- "

" Peko says I should try to be more friendly.. so I'm here to play a game with you "

" oh! Okay! "

She sat back down and patted empty space next to her. He hesitantly sat down as chiaki started to show him all the game she brought with her.

Everything was pretty normal and fun, they laughed ( mostly chiaki ) and talked and were having a good time. Until fuyuhiko brought up hajime. Chiaki went quiet and focused on the game

" what is it? Did I say something wrong? "

" no it's not that, it's just.. It hasn't really been great between us.. "

" what do you mean? "

She sighed and put the game down, fuyuhiko doing the same.

" he hasn't been talking to me.. "

" is he ignoring you? "

" no, he still says 'hi' when he walk past each other but that's it.. we just don't spend time together anymore.. I don't know what I did wrong.. "

He wasn't good with this kind of stuff but she did listen to everything he said so he should at least try

" I didn't think hinata was the type to do that. He's always loved you a lot, everyone knows that "

" but the thing is.. I don't know if I love him anymore.. "

" oh, uh.. then maybe you should talk to him about It? "

" he won't listen, he'll just make up an excuse not to talk.. He's barely home too, and when he is he doesn't do or say anything. Just fall asleep! He doesn't even want to be.. intimate.. "

" uh.. well, he does sound like a jerk now but you should still talk "

" I know.. "

She looked away and sighed once again

" hey, how about we get a drink or something to eat "

" a drink would be good.. "

They both stood up and collected their things before walking to a very fancy bar. They sat down at a booth in the corner and ordered their drinks. It wasn't anything too strong but something just right.

Chiaki started to rant about hajime and their relationship as they took sips of their drinks. Fuyuhiko just stayed quiet until she finished. After a while she finally stopped and finished her drink

" geez that's.. a lot.. what a prick. if you feel that way just break up with him "

" I-I can't if he won't listen! "

Fuyuhiko sighed and scratched the back of his neck. He was really regretting talking to her. He decided to stay quiet and finish his drink.

She took his silence as a sign to stop talking

" alright, well, if you need something I guess just tell me "

" thank you.. this means a lot.. "

They had a few more drinks and a bit of food before fuyuhiko walked Chiaki home.
They continued to talk and laugh with each other until they arrived at her place.

" Don't go.. this was really fun.. "

" I have to.. I'm pretty tired anyway "

" Then sleep here! Please.. Hajime won't be home for a while.. "

" Uh.. alright, if you insist.. "

Fuyuhiko gave a small smile as chiaki opened the door. They walked inside and she lead him to a guest room he would be sleeping in.

" Thanks.. you didnt have to let me stay over "

" Of course I did, we're friends! "

He chuckled but to his surprise she kissed him on the cheek


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