Chapter Forty-Six

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Four Weeks Later

    Another Top Gun graduation had come and gone. Flash had finished first, Willa was in second. Flash had been offered to come be an instructor and had accepted. Haley was sad to have finished up with that group. The last time she had felt that close with a group was when Duck's class had been there. Because the class had officially ended, she felt like she could mingle with them outside of Top Gun. The Hawaii trip was a few days away, but before that, Haley had agreed and let Sabrina throw the gender reveal party. She really hoped she wasn't going to regret this, she wasn't a big fan of parties.

    The Noah Simpson Saga had officially come to a close six weeks ago. They had gotten the official word recently of his re-sentencing, and he wouldn't be bothering them for years to come. It had been rather satisfying. Not that Haley wished jail or prison upon anyone, but his actions had landed him there. He had gone from just being an asshole to committing actual crimes and that had consequences.

    They had just been able to find out for sure the baby's gender. Sabrina had evidently prepared for either since they'd had to wait until now. Haley was at 18 weeks and they'd finally been able to tell. They gave the sealed envelope to Sabrina to handle whatever she wanted to do. They had told their doctor they didn't want to know anything at that appointment except that everything was good. Their doctor obliged and sealed the information. Sabrina had ended up waiting as well, and had given her information to Haley. Rooster and her had looked at it when they'd been given it and had arranged the correct lightsabers. She was surprised Sabrina was willing to find out her babies' genders with lightsabers, but she did love Haley. Sabrina and Jake knew they were having fraternal twins, just not which kind. Two boys, two girls or a girl and a boy. They'd find out today with Rooster and Haley.

    Haley had to admit, the party was pretty cool. Penny had let them use the Hard Deck again, and had actually considered starting a private event rental of the place since they'd been hosting so many things there lately between engagements, babies and Navy functions. Sabrina had decorated it entirely like the planet Naboo, and encouraged costumes, knowing Haley would love that-which she did. She had on the yellow and purple dress Padmé wore in Attack of the Clones. To her pleasure, Rooster had put back on the Anakin costume. He had been a good sport about it, she knew costumes weren't his thing, but he'd always gone along with her. Nick was an Ewok.

    "Maybe we should just wait and be surprised when the baby is born." Haley said, before things had gotten started.

    "Our son is dressed up like space bear for this, we're going through with it." Rooster replied, causing Maverick to laugh.

    "It's an Ewok! Not a space bear." Haley told him. Rooster and Maverick just laughed at her. Rooster was holding Nick, and he did look adorable.

    "Why when I walk up, you two are always ganging up on her?" Penny asked, "And you look beautiful, Haley."

    "Because they're jerks. We should add that to your bar rules." Haley answered. Rooster and Maverick did have a funny dynamic sometimes. "And thank you. I wasn't crazy about the idea of this, but Sabrina always plans the best events. And she's like a superhero. She's just carried on like normal and she's almost twenty-one weeks pregnant with twins." Sabrina really had been a boss bitch. She was still wearing heels too, it was insane. "Meanwhile, this time I've felt like I am dying from one." She put her hand under her bump so the fabric stuck to her and you could see it clearer. The dress was very loose so it hid her stomach for the most part.

Ride in this Life With You //Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now