The Beginning (1)

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A man, 42 years old and 170 cm, sleeps through the night. He's unaware of the danger soon to strike him. He slumbers, obliviously, and turns on to his side from his back.

An egg lands on his outside porch, which has no roof. It lands there as light as a feather, though as hard as a bowling ball. It cracks open as if it was an egg and reveals what looks like a short snake, a fat, short snake.

It slithers across the porch, squeezing through the conveniently-open front door with a squelch. This does not alert the family; It's 00:16 AM. It makes its way towards the man, twisting and turning before lunging into his ear.

The man awakens, eyes rolling into the back of his head. "Hygh... Hah." He barely awakens his wife.

His wife, Mariko Abayosu, who is 41 and 158 cm, sits up, concerned. Her black hair glistens in the moonlight, appearing blue.

"Hiroyasu, are you alright?"

The man soon falls back asleep as if nothing had ever happened, leaving his wife worried. She doesn't say anything, though, and goes back to sleep, turning over.


Shinichi slumbers, resting on his side and quietly shifting. He dreams of unknown things, though that's unimportant. He shifts from one side to his other, mouth open and drooling.

He left his door open. A common mistake among teenagers, really. Only problem is... It isn't the first time, and he's about to uncover what may be the next wave of creatures, parasites, upon Earth.

His snores echo through his room, though not loud. His arm flails slightly, his right arm. The arm that withheld Migi, who is now forever asleep from what Shinichi knows. He misses Migi, even though he had... Hated Migi, at first. He isn't aware of what's about to happen, however. Though quite luckily, he has earbuds in... Again.

An egg, the size of a ping-pong ball, lands on his porch banister. It lands softly like a feather, though hard enough to leave a dent. It cracks open like an egg, revealing what looks more like a caterpillar. It inches down the banister, slowly. It's much slower than Migi once was, but that doesn't mean it's any less dangerous.

It squeezes through Shinichi's door, inching through his room with short squelches. This does not wake Shinichi up, so the creature takes advantage of it and starts inching closer and closer before...

"What the hell?!"

Shinichi bolts up at the sight of the creature, not knowing what to do. He isn't sure what it is, because it doesn't look much like a caterpillar. He reaches for a magazine to crush it, rolling one up. Though to no avail, the creature burrows into his legs. "Not another-!" He's cut off as the caterpillar creature hits a vein, causing him to recoil in pain. "Ah, shit..."

He ties his headphone cord around his waist, leaving no space for the caterpillar creature to attempt reaching his brain. He thinks he knows what it is, he thinks it's a parasite. But he stopped the last wave, why are there more?! These look different, though. But why?

"Umgh!" He grunts, tightening his grip on his cord. Why are there more parasites?! He muses, watching as the lump in his skin slowly becomes smaller. This is the process of the parasite maturing, and he can sort of... Tell.

He slowly loosens his grip on the cord, sighing as the parasite is completely matured. "Damn," he leans back, stretching a bit. That was tiring, and it's only, what? 4 in the morning? God.

He grumbles to himself, upset by this sudden awakening. May as well stay awake, he thinks to himself, sitting on his bed. He grabs his phone and starts mindlessly scrolling through Reddit, laughing at a post or two.

The time passes by quickly, and Shinichi is left to his own devices as he gets ready for school. He sighs, flicking his right hand a bit. "I wish you'd wake up, Migi..." He mutters, getting up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. He opens his door with a small creak and leaves it open, just like his screen door leading to the outside.

He's met by a familiar aroma, that similar to what his mother would used to make him for breakfast each day before she was... Well, killed by a parasite. He sniffs the air a bit before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, son. Just thought I'd try to make breakfast for a change, since, well, the incident."

"Thanks, dad."

Shinichi wouldn't have ever expected something like this. He knows his dad can't really cook, but he's proud of the effort. He sits down, putting his backpack on the floor to get ready to eat. He waits, patiently, for the finished product.

The stove beeps and Kazuyuki immediately takes the food off with a light grind. He puts it on the table, just in reach for both of them when he sits down. "You did good," Shinichi says, eating some bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Thanks," his father says, eating some bacon and eggs himself. It's slightly burnt, but it still tastes good to the two eating it.

"All I'd say is to not cook it for so long next time. It's a bit burnt," Shinichi says, chowing down on the breakfast.

"Say... Have you heard about the new mincemeat murders?" Kazuyuki asks Shinichi, watching as the latter chokes on a piece of egg.

Shinichi swallows the egg, eyes widened. "More mincemeat murders?!" He asks, trying to peek over to the newspaper. "You've gotta be kidding me!"

"Yeah, apparently a lot of them are focused here in Hiroshima, as far as the murders go in Japan."

"Oh, come on." He sulks, eating the rest of his breakfast and quickly putting the dishes in the sink. He picks up his backpack and heads out to go to school. It's nearly the end of the year, so that's definitely something.

He notices that he can't stop walking, even at a crosswalk. "Damnit!" He holds on to the stoplight pole, hoping the power of red, yellow, and blue will protect him from the cars. He can't feel his legs, and they're moving on their own.

Oh wait.

Oh shit.

He soon let's go as the crosswalk light turns green. It won't stop, no matter what he does. He wants to stop, but he can't.

He soon makes it to his school, though. Somehow, the parasite was capable of transversing the rough journey and find the school. Hopefully it's like Migi and hopefully it has no murderous intent...

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