Murder (2)

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Shinichi walks into school, still out of control of his legs. He sighs, annoyed by this nonstop movement. "Hey!" He whisper-shouts. "Stop that!"

His legs stop moving, but now an eye is staring at him from the side of his pants. "Gauz? Gyh?" It asks, politely.

"What..." He sweats, knowing he probably won't get anywhere with this. "I don't understand a damn thing you're saying."

"Seeders orakov pikkos illte. Japanese, trospolv logk?" It asks, speaking in a foreign language not nearly pinpointed to a language Shinichi had ever heard before. Sure, he had heard other Asian languages, such as Lao and Thai, and even some African languages, but this is just... Strange.

He sighs, walking towards his classroom. He just hopes that maybe these guys aren't as bad as the last guys. Hopefully they aren't... Cannibalistic.

Little does he know though, that there's more than one species of parasite descending upon Earth. Little does he know, that he'd fall victim one too many times.

He sits down, the parasite as restless as can be. It squirms around under the desk as he sits there, trying to calm it down. "Calm down, there are people in here!" He whisper-shouts at the parasite, which doesn't quit flailing. It looks at Shinichi for a moment before looking around, slowly coming to a halt as it sees other people.

"Finally..." He sighs, head resting on his knuckles. He's already tired of this new parasite, it's nothing like Migi, is it? He scrolls through his phone mindlessly, waiting for class to begin.

Shinichi soon gets bored, looking around. Nobody's in the room. Weird... He thinks to himself, before noticing a figure walking through the hallway in the glass. How had he not heard the announcement? Was he too far into his phone? Too late now, it looks like the figure is after him.

He gets up, putting his phone back. He walks out of the classroom, looking left and right through the deserted hallways. "Damn..." He mutters, walking out.

He hopes he can go unnoticed but, knowing how this goes, he probably won't. He walks through the hallways, conversing with his newer-found parasite.

"So, do you have a name?" He asks, looking down at the floor.

"Otto, aba korhv seed umba ubb," it responds, still speaking in its mother tongue as it isn't familiar with Japanese.


"I have... No name."

"We'll get you one eventually," Shinichi says, continuing his journey through the hallway. He sighs, looking over at the intruder again. "When is that guy going to come over here?" He sighs, expecting the foreign person to quickly advance on him.

They make eye contact.

Shinichi cringes backwards, taken aback by this eye contact. He looks at the parasite he hosts. "What do I do?!" He asks it, frantically. He misses the fact that the intruder is rapidly approaching.

He soon notices, however, the approaching parasite and stomps his foot, trying to get his own parasite's attention. "I need your help!" He whisper-shouts, urging it to help him.


His legs slowly morph into blades, his feet turning into what look like the bottom of ice skates. He screams a bit, worried he'll lose balance. Watching his parasite look around, he tries to relax.

He starts moving rapidly, skating across the marble floor. He balances himself as he skates, feeling air blow across his face. Soon though, he's met face-to-face with the intruder. He cringes at its bodily appearance; Its face is deformed, its skin is slowly melting off, and its eyes are bulging out.

"Holy shit..." Shinichi says, taken aback as his parasite immediately goes for a swing. This catches the other parasite off-guard, allowing the swing to hit and cut through the enemy's melting abdomen. It makes a short squelch before blood starts seeping out. Hot, steaming blood.

"Ow, ow, hot."

The creature doubles down, clutching its abdomen in an attempt to relieve itself of it's pouring blood. This does not work, though, and it leaves the creature beginning to die. "You... You monster..!" It says, soon killed as Shinichi's parasite makes a slice through the other's neck.

It falls to the ground, dying and shrivelling up. It makes noises of desperation before soon making a squeak and going silent. It's dead.

"We... Killed it," Shinichi says, looking at the hot blood on him and his clothes.

"We killed it," his parasite repeats, looking up at him. Its three eyes look around, making sure nothing else is a possible threat to him or itself. Upon finding nothing posing a threat, it starts to close its eyes and morph Shinichi's legs back to normal.

Shinichi sighs, sitting down away from the puddle of blood. "Does that mean I'm a murderer..?" He asks, rhetorically. He can't believe what he just did, he just killed a creature with his parasite.

"You are a murderer, maybe," his parasite responds, an eye opening and staring at him. "But I don't know. Words are few."

Shinichi pulls at his hair, leaning back against the wall. "Ugh, I can't believe I did that!" He complains, trying to not think about the body right in front of him.

"Show yourself, this is the police!" A voice commands, footsteps audible from the hallways adjacent. "Or else we will have to use force!"

Shinichi's parasite closes its eye, making it so where if anyone were to take a look at him, they wouldn't know if he was a parasite or not.

Policemen and policewomen approach from the adjacent hallway, holding aimed guns. The sight before them is awful to them: A senior sitting in front of the corpse of the intruder.

They keep their guns held at a pinpoint. "Hold your hands up! You are to be withheld for murder!" They say, approaching Shinichi.

"But- I didn't do it!" He says, opening his palms. He holds no weapon.

"Nonetheless, you are a suspect! Come with us, boy. Should you disobey, we may have to use force."

"Fine," Shinichi says, standing up and walking towards the police. He's searched thoroughly for any potential weapons and none are found. The cops are baffled; How could a boy at the age of 17-18 cut someone in two areas without any sort of weapon?

They grab Shinichi by the arms. "You're coming with us, boy." They drag him off; Down the stairs, through the hallways, and finally outside the school where everyone is at. He sighs, being pushed into a cop car.

They close the door, Shinichi in the car. His friends attempt to inquire about what they're going to do, but to no avail. They soon drive off, leaving questions unanswered for friends of Shinichi and even acquaintances.

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