All You're Giving me is Friction by Drunktuesdays

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Description: Stiles is Alpha bait.

This is basically Stiles just being a huge tease and Derek gets jealous.

The alpha pack was nothing like what Derek expected.

First of all, they had zero interest in fighting Derek for his territory. "I have an infinity pool," Brandon said loftily. "You basically haunt this busted up house and live in an abandoned train car."

"It's easily protected," Derek said defensively.

"From eighty-year-old men with cancer?" Jake said, stretching out on the porch steps. "Admit it, you're a mess."

"You're embarrassing yourself in front of the rest of the community," the last Alpha, Devin, said, picking up a charred piece of wood distastefully. "This is basically an intervention."

Peter found all of this absolutely hysterical, and said so. To Derek's relief, however, the pack didn't seem to find him much more acceptable. Jake had taken to calling him RePeter the Undead, which Peter did not find as funny.

Once Derek absorbed that they weren't out to kill him, he sort of found it a relief to talk with them. They returned Boyd and Erica easily, after having a long, private talk that Derek couldn't bring himself to ask about. Both were more subdued around Derek, but in an apologetic way. Isaac continued to be Isaac, alternating between shadowing Derek and disappearing with Scott. Derek let him be while he focused on learning what he could from the alpha pack.

"Can we take you apartment hunting?" Brandon said, after about a week. "I can't live like this anymore."

"I don't need an apartment," Derek said flatly.

"You definitely do. One with running water, electricity, maybe some tasteful decor," Brandon disagreed vehemently. "A cushiony surface to sit on would be nice."

"Are you a wolf or a spoiled cat?" Derek said, not looking up from his game of chess with Jake.

"Oh, now you have a sense of humor," Brandon said, rolling his eyes. "You--" he started, and then stopped dead, cocking his head. Everyone, in fact, stopped dead, listening intently.

"It's just Stiles," Derek said, recognizing the heartbeat. He stood up, and leapt over a bench to stand at the door and wait.

"Show off," Brandon said, but his eyes didn't leave the door, tracking the moment when Stiles trotted in.

He was soaking wet, shirt plastered to his chest, water dripping into his eyes and onto his flushed cheeks. "Uh," he said, panting. "I know Scott said he wasn't pack, but we could use some help with this thing by the lake?"

"Holy shit," Devin breathed, and Derek whirled to glare at him, before grabbing his jacket.
There was a mad scramble as the rest of the pack dashed to follow them out. If Derek shadowed Stiles a little closer than normal, well, it was only to keep the others at bay.

After pulling Scott out of the grip of a hydra, ("In a freaking lake!" Jake kept saying, as if he hadn't been listening to how hellish Beacon Hills could be), everyone came back to the depot to regroup and apply first aid. Stiles lifted his shirt to wipe at his eyes, then twisted it to squeeze some of the water out, still shivering with cold.

Jake turned to Derek. "Who is that?" he said, incredulous.

"Don't even start," Derek said, and shoved Stiles in the direction of his clean laundry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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