Memories By Angelwithwingsoffire

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Description: When Stiles and Derek get in a fight, Stiles gets shown Derek's past by an...unlikely party, Derek's own mother.

Stiles stormed from the house, fuming from his argument with Derek. Once again he’d lied and kept things from Stiles which almost resulted in Scott getting killed. And Stiles was sick and tired of it. He ran into the forest, sprinting towards the clearing. They’d set it up last year for the humans in the pack. If the pack encounters something they can’t handle, they grab the humans and bring them there. The human finishes the loop of mountain ash around the clearing and the pack is safe until it’s broken.

Stiles ran straight for the clearing, willing the ring to close after him, and fell to the ground inside the clearing, tears streaming down his face. He crawled to the center of the clearing, where the oak sapling the pack had planted together grew, and curled up in a ball under it, letting his tears flow freely.

“Don’t cry little one.” A female voice said.

Stiles looked up, scrambling to put his back to the tree, not recognizing the voice. “Who’s there?” He called. “Who are you? And how did you enter this circle?”

“I never left.” The woman responded, stepping into view.

Stiles gasped, he knew who she was. “You’re dead.” He whispered.

Talia Hale threw her head back laughing. “Did you know that there are legends that people die twice? Once when their life ends.”

“And once when they are forgotten.” Stiles finished.

She nodded and smiled down at him kindly. “I’ve been with you for a long time Stiles. I knew you’d be important to my son and couldn’t let his naïve thoughts ruin what I know is meant to be.”

“I don’t believe in destiny.” Stiles declared.

“Neither do I. But I do believe that everyone finds someone special in their lives. The one person that makes you complete. And you’re Derek’s and he’s yours.”

“He lied to me. Again.”

She smiled. “He doesn’t trust people Stiles. Especially those that love him.”

“Why not?”

She held out a hand. “I can’t tell you, but I can show you. I am a part of this forest and it has it’s memories, buried deep down inside it. I can show them to you. If you want.”

Stiles hesitated for a moment before reaching out a hand and getting to his feet. “What do I do?”

She smiled as she took his hand. “Just watch.” She turned to the side and her eyes flashed alpha red.

Suddenly they were somewhere else. Stiles was shocked as he recognized the back of the Hale house. But not as it is now, rebuilt after a fire, but as it was originally. Beautiful and familiar to Stiles even if he’d never seen it before.

“This was our house.” Talia said. “Before the fire.”

Both of them looked at the door as it opened and a group of kids tumbled out, laughing and play fighting. Talia smiled softly. “That was my family. My kids, Matt, Laura, and Derek along with their cousins, Peter’s kids, Kyle and Holly.” Stiles could easily pick Laura out of the group, she looked just like her mother, but he couldn’t spot Derek.

“Which one is Derek?”

“You see the dark haired one, with green eyes and that silly grin on his face?”

Stiles nodded, he seemed to be the happiest of the kids.

“That’s Derek.”

Stiles was shocked. “That’s Derek?”

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