(Emilys POV)
Its so cold here. Why am I placed here of all places? Remember all I have to do is save one. Only one. Then im allowed back. I must choose wisely. Wait... Oh no...not you. Why do I have to deal with these idiots?

Okay I think you deserve a explanation. Im Emily but please call me Em. Im a Fallen Angel. Now I know what you thinking. Why did I get kicked out of heaven? Well I will tell you that later. Because of what I did I have to save one poor hopeless soul. Im in New York city in fall and it freezing cold. Now the idiots about to approach me are demons. 3 of them. Man I hate them. They stink like ash and coal that was just burnt in a fire. Okay now that you understand let's continue.

"Hello sexy" the one in the blue hoodie says while getting closer.

"Fuck off demon I dont have time to deal with you right now" I say and walk away.

"Aww come on Angel come have fun you did get kick out of heaven didnt you?" the one in the black hoodie says.

"I said fuck off!" I say walking faster.

"Hey! Your supposed to be nice! Bitch!" the one in red says.

"tsk I was kicked out" I say flipping them off.

All three appear in front of me and I kick one in the throat, cut the one with my wings, and push a pole through the head. It doesnt kill them but it hurts like a bitch. I keep walking and laugh to myself.

"Stupid demons." i snicker.

A couple of hours later I had arrived in the middle of the city. It's midnight and cold. I had never been this cold in years. I look up and the fountain and look around.

"Okay Em. Pick someone who looks distressed enough to get back to heaven." I think to myself.

I sigh. "I might as well go find a hotel but first I need some clothes suitable for this weather."

I sit and look around and find a clothes shop. I walk in and buy me a scarf and a shirt and pants. I walk out and see a man about my age when I died. He was talking on the phone and he was walking into some oncoming traffic!

"Stop!" I scream but it was to late. He got hit.

I guess he is my one. I sigh and run over to him and put my scarf on.

"Please let this work!" I say holding my hands out over him before anyone shows up.

I see my hands glow and his bleeding stop. I then get up and walk away.

(Leo's POV)

"Whats wrong fag!" A boy in the gray hoodie says.

I just ignored it and kept walking. I then got a call from my mom wondering where I am. I told im fine and that I was on my way home and that I loved her when I heard a women screaming for me to stop. I looked to my right and it went black. It was pitch black and my body ached all over. I could see anything but I knew I was going to die. I open my eyes enough to see but not wanting that to be the last thing I see. I see a girl my age! God was she beautiful. Now im happy thats my last thing I see. Then all the sudden I feel no pain. What! I opened my eyes again and she was going I look down and there was no blood! I look over and see her leaving.

"Stop!" I yell then run to her.

No pain! How? She is like my guardian angel.

(Emilys POV)
I turn around and look.

"Damn he caught me!" I think to myself

"Yes?" I say covering my face.

"How did you do that?!" He asks impatiently and excited.

"Uhh what do you mean..you lost you breath and I gave you CPR." I say nervously.

"There is no way I lost my breath from getting hit by a car plus there was blood!" He smiles.

"Your an angel! I know it how else could you do that!" He says.

"N-N" I try to say but am interrupted by him.

"I wont tell anyone, your secret is save with me" He smiles.

***Hope you enjoyed! I love writing about stuff so if you have any suggestions please tell me and ill make the story! Tell me if I should write more or not?! Like! Comment! & Follow if you so please to! Bye! :P***

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