Gay dave and bambi sex idk

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(ayyyaygeb this was a request from uhhh pixie I forgot their full user but yayy!!1!;???;!()

Bambi was in the corn field looking out for people, dave rolled up behind him "hello bambi!" Bambi jumped a bit he got scared a little "GEEZ- dave you scared me!" Dave chuckled a bit "sorry.. I just wanted to hang out with you!" Bambi stared at Dave for a while and then got up on his lap "can we go to ur place..." "sure thing bambers!" Dave rolled off to his house with the small deer farmer sitting on his lap, some minutes later dave got there and stood up to close and lock the door, bambi stared at him confused "YOU CAN STAND??? WHAT???.." dave looked back at bambi "o-oh! Yeah.. I can stand I just never do bc it's kinda uncomfortable.." dave grabbed his wheelchair to put it away then sat on the couch, bambi sat beside him with his tail wagging, dave noticed his tail wagging and patted the littler one on his head smiling a bit, the patting turning into petting, bambis tail was wagging a lot snuggling up against dave, dave smiled a bit "geez ur so cute bambi... I really wanna do something with you.." bambis ears perked up "oh.. uhmmm thanks! Dave.. and yeah we can do anything you want!" dave smiled a bit staring at bambi dave then grabbed bambi and went to the bedroom placing him on the bed, bambi stared up at dave confused he was laying on his back, that's how Dave placed him down anyways, dave stared at him for a bit before slowly unbuttoning bambis overalls, bambi watched him undo his overalls confused dave took off bambis boxers and shirt, bambi blushed a lot "w-wha- hey! What the hell dave!!" "u-uhm! Shhh it's ok! I just.. I just really wanna do this! We've.. we've been good friends for so long.. I wanna be more then that bambi.." bambi stared at Dave then let out a small sigh "geez dave.. u-uhm- yeah sure... I love you too whatever.. just go gentle alright?" Dave smiled a bit taking off his own pants and boxers standing at the edge of the bed grabbing bambis waist, "you sure you really wanna do this?..." bambi nodded and Dave chuckled a bit slowly pushing his dick into bambi, bambi was in his 'original form' so he was pretty small "geez..~ ur cocks huge dave!!" "it isn't that huge... ur just small.." dave chuckled a bit before slowly moving bambi back and forth on his cock bambi let out quiet moans as Dave moved his slowly trying to be as gentle as he could with bambi, bambi was pretty small and sensitive anyways so what's the point of being so rough with him? dave went a bit faster still trying to not hurt bambi or anything like that, bambi mumbled something still moaning a bit "hm?.. what was that?..." "I want you to go faster..." bambi looked up at dave, dave giggled a bit and went faster as bambi was moaning and stuff, "hff.. geez I'm so sorry for this.." bambi looked at Dave confused, he really wouldn't be confused for much longer, dave started going roughly breathing heavily, Bambi let out a little squeal getting slammed into roughly, bambi laid there moaning a lot drooling a bit, dave watched himself pounding into bambis small body blushing a lot, he smiled a bit and went more faster bending over and kissing bambis neck, bambi held onto Dave with some tears falling down his face, "wwuahh..~ oh fuck Dave..~" "ssshh.. it's alright bambers..." dave cummed a bit after pulling out of bambi smiling a bit, dave got on the bed and grabbed bambi laying down cuddling with him, he kissed his cheek before going to bed yay!1!1!1!!1!

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