The finale

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                1/8/23 - 3/18/23:)
(Fun fact I completely forget what happened in the first chapter so uhh yeah take whatever this is. ALSO I AM NOT DEAD- yippie
I'm not really proud of this 😊👍.Oh quick little warning there is mentioning of abuse but there is not actually written of abuse and there is mentioning of alcohol.)

Quackity pov:
I woke up from a deep slumber then got up and walked to his bathroom,I  looked at myself in the mirror I had bags under my eyes,this is probably because of the lack of sleep I have gotten in the last couple weeks I think last night is the only good sleep I have gotten this whole month.I shrugged it off and just putted some makeup on to cover the bags,I walked out of the bathroom and opened my closet.I put on my suit and my usually navy blue beanie. I put in my shoes then walked out of my room to Schlatt's office.I knocked on Schlatt's office door and slowly opened it. Schlatt was sitting at his desk looking down at some papers of some sort he glances up at me,I guess he was expecting me to say or do something, so I walked over to his desk and asked him if there was anything I could do for him. Schlatt thought for a moment and shakes his head "no". I nodded my head and walked out of his office walking out of the white house.

I walked around 'manburg for a bit before heading back to the white house. I walk down the halls that are filled with random pictures of historical stuff,historical people,and a self-portrait of schlatt I make my way to Schlatt's office. I notice the door is cracked just a bit,I take a breath and walk in. His office reeks of alchohol and cigarettes Schlatt is passed out on his desk with beer bottles and cigarettes boxes are scattered around him,I hate the smell in this room I hate when he does this. I walk out his office to go grab some trash bag to clean this mess,a couple minutes passed and his office was clean enough. I was completely exhausted,I walked out of his office closing the door behind me and walked to my room. Once I finally got there,I didn't have enough energy to change out of my clothes. I shuffled over to my bed and just completely passed out.

Next day.

Schlatt's POV!

I woke up with a massive headache,I realized that my office was clean. I just shrugged it off I get up and I looked at the time seeing it was almost 6 o'clock Quackity would have been up by now,I get up out if my chair and walk out of my office making my way to Quackity's room. I knock on the door opening it,I see Quackity passed out on his bed he looks so peaceful I let out a sigh I pull the blanket over him and walk out closing the door slowly. A few hours passed by,I was in my office doing some boring ass paperwork when I see Quackity walking in. I look up and smile at him he gave me a small smile back,he asked if there was anything I needed him to do like normal, I opened my mouth to ask him if he was the one whom cleaned my office for me but changed my mind. I shaked my head "no" and told him good morning. He nodded his head and gave me a soft gentle smile before he was on his way,that's thing I like most about him he was soft,gentle,thoughtful, and so caring I love that man. I have no idea what I would do without Quackity,I feel bad for the times I would get drunk and beat Quackity for no remote reasoning I stopped doing that a while ago,i still drink but i don't beat Quackity anymore. I take a breath and finished up the paperwork I still had to do. A couple hours later, Quackity comes back in with some coffee I'm so glad he did I was about to fall asleep. Quackity gave me my coffee,I said thank you and then right after his goes on a rant about how terrible the person working at the first desk has I guess I needed to hear it because listening to his rant helped me get done almost half of the bullshit I had to do.(that's a win in my opinion) I chuckled a bit and that made the duck man stop  to look at me he laughed then aksed,"Sorry did my talking disturb you?" I shaked my head no,"No you're fine pumpkin,it actually really helped." Quackity had a big smirk on his face,"Well I'm glad I was a use of to you." We shared a laugh,I took a sip of my coffee. I got up and walked to the shorter male and gave him a small kiss on the cheek,he turned his head to me and kissed me. I smiled at him and we laughed it was a small laugh but it was good to just talk to him,laugh with him and be able to have these moments with him.

I don't ever want this to end.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this I spent a while(3 whole months.) on this I'm not really proud of this but something is better then nothing! Oh the word count is 912😭😥. I hope you made it this far I worked so hard. Anyways bye!!

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