ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫: 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡

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We were standing at the entrance to the arena, the screams of the audience crashing down on our ears.

Vel was wearing armour, a sword and shield in hand. Her face was eerily blank, and Marcus, Cam and I were waiting for her to start her fight with Jeriko.

"Remember, you can heal yourself." Marcus says determinedly. Vel nods silently. As we hear the siren sound, marking that five minutes remained until the battle would commence.

A group of guards entered the room, and grabbing our arms, pulled us out of the room, slamming the door behind us.

Marcus, Cam and I all split up to different places. Cam went to the training arena, as she didn't want to watch the fight. Marcus went somewhere I didn't know, and I went to join Cerci and Evan, who were in the stands, ready to watch the fight.

As I approached them, the one-minute siren sounded, and the roaring of the crowd increased. It was the first fight of the season, meaning the whole city was there. The champion's stands were just in front of the people's stands, and we were seated at the very back.

Someone tapped on my back, and I whirled around, ready to punch whoever it was who decided to mess with me.

"Hey Felix!" Katrolicus said, his once grey eyes glowing green. Artia was sitting next to him, and she gave a happy mew at the sight of me. "How are you here!" I exclaimed happily, as I reached my hand out to pet Artia. "What happened to your eyes?" I asked Kat, who grinned mischievously. "Artia, show him." Kat says, and Artia blinks once, her emerald eyes glowing brightly as her form shimmered, and in the place of the sweet cat was a pretty woman.

"Hello Felix. My name is Artia, goddess of cats."

"What the f-" "Hey!" Artia pouted, crossing her arms like a child, her blonde hair swinging in the movement. "Artia took me as her champion." Kat says happily. "Congratulations!" I say happily and I open my mouth to say more, but I'm cut off by the sound of the ten second siren marker.

My head snaps forwards, and I watch as two gates slide open on opposite ends of the arena. The crowd cheers as Jeriko walks out to a roar of excitement from the audience. He seems to amp them up, waving his arms as the crowd starts chanting his name. The audience starts jeering as Vel comes out of the arena, but her gaze is focused on Jeriko. The audience falls silent as the two of them prepared for battle.

"Three!" The announcer called, as the two of them prepared their weapons, and I could see Vel's healing power already charged, her hand glowing blue.

"Two!" Jeriko unsheathed his swords, holding them menacingly at his sides.

"One!" The crowd was still, and I only then noticed I was holding my breath.


Vel ran towards Jeriko, who stretched out a hand, and Vel stopped. She froze, twitching slightly as her hands slowly dropped to her sides. "What is he doing to her?" I asked Artia, who grimaced. "He is the champion of Capita. He has the power of mind-control."

My mouth opened in a perfect "o" shape, and I watched as Vel froze in place, her eyes closed, her brows furrowed in concentration. "She must be trying to fight the mind control." Kat says quietly, and I nod silently in agreement.

Vel seems to break out of the trance like state, and she rushes forwards, and takes a swing at Jeriko's head. She just misses, and he meets her next blow with his blade. Jeriko kicks at her feet, and I hear a loud snap echo across the arena, and the crowd roars as Vel falls to the ground, her hand moving straight to the wound, and seconds later, she stands again, good as new.

Jeriko spins around and the two of them fight, like expert dancers they spin around, twirling to an unheard melody as the battle continues. Jeriko would gain ground, and then Vel would only barely escape death's hands.

Vel rushed forwards and threw her sword, just missing Jeriko's chest and instead impaling his arm. He screamed and collapsed, as Vel held her shield in front of her, circling Jeriko as he regained his strength, his left arm dangling limply by his side.

Jeriko used his sword and swung it at Vel, but it merely bounced off her shield. He resorted to beating the shield with his weapon, the clashing of the two making loud metallic clangs every time they met each other.

Vel's feet seem to his something in the sandy floor, and she stoops down quickly, picking up a rock the size of my fist. Still blocking Jeriko's attacks, she pelts the rock at his head. Like a missile, the small chunk of rock meets it mark, hitting Jeriko in the back of the head. He collapses, clutching his wound as he drops his weapon.

Vel seizes the opportunity to pick up her discarded short sword, and stalk over to Jeriko. Her approach goes unnoticed by the wounded boy, who was breathing heavily on the ground. She aims a blow at his head, and her swing begins.

Time seems to slow down as I watch the sword fly towards Jeriko's exposed neck.

I notice as his hand comes to rest on the hilt of his sword.

Jeriko surges upwards, blocking Vel's blow.

His sword thrusts forward.

I watch as his blade forces itself right into her chest.

Blood splatters the sand of the arena. 

𝔖𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯Where stories live. Discover now