I was only a little girl when I was brought to the village. Dogville, it was called. Mother had been trying to teach me to hunt when someone else killed the stag we were hunting. He noticed us when we started heading back to the town, offered us a warm bed and a hot meal. Mother had been disowned after falling in love with my father, who had been murdered not long before I was born. I had spent the first years of my life traveling with my mother, trying to find a place to call home.

Dogville would become our home. There weren't many other children, a boy named Yuliy and his older brother, Mikhail. Yuliy was energetic and brought joy to the whole village, Mikhail usually getting him out of trouble. The tribe became our family, even if Mother and I were human and they were not. They welcomed us and helped us, and in return, mother helped with the chores and I learned how to hunt from Mikhail. It was a simple life, full of happiness and laughter.

That was how it was until the Vampires came. They burned the village, slaughtering the people. Mikhail, Yuliy, and I escaped while Mother held them off.

"Anya." Yuliy cut through my thoughts. I had been thinking about it again. The day everything changed. His blue eyes held the understanding only we could feel. None of the others fully understood our devotion to the profession.

"I did it again." I turned, looking out the window. "I couldn't help it."

"It's almost time." Yuliy stood from his chair, a hand on his suitcase.

"Already?" I followed him outside the door, slipping the cover for my weapon over my shoulder. We walked down the sidewalk a little, the night air cool around us as a blood red moon shone in the sky. Couples strolled along past us, enjoying the night, oblivious to the fact that Vampires walk among them day in and day out. We stayed silent, completely different than the Anya and Yuliy of ten years ago.

A car pulled up in front of us, causing us to stop. The man, Professor Willard, in the backseat closed a pocket watch, looking our way. "It's almost time. Are you two ready?"

The woman in the front seat, Dorothea, leaned over on her arm, which was resting on the window. "Let's make it a loud song."

Yuliy smiled softly before responding, "Maybe a peaceful one is better."

"You're one to talk." Dorothea laughed.

We got in the car, Yuliy taking the backseat next to Professor Willard and I next to Dorothea, and sped off toward the building. We had tracked one of the Royals here, Kerschner. He was here with at least one more Royal, and a handful of Slaves. Professor Willard told us the plan again, but I ignored most of it, knowing Yuliy would go early.

It was almost a given that we would be too late to save the humans that got caught up in the Vampire's charm, and Yuliy would most likely smell their blood and rush in.

It happened a lot.

We arrived at the meeting place, where we would join Fallon and Phillip and go over the plan one last time before going in. Climbing out of the car, I watched Yuliy, who stared up at the building we were going to enter in a few short moments. "What is it?"

"I smell blood." Yuliy's grip tightened on his suitcase, and I turned to the building, eyebrows creasing.

I was right, then. The humans who were in there were probably dead now, which left us with just the Vampires to kill. I could only hope that Kerschner wouldn't leave. Chasing Kerschner across Europe had kept us from having even the smallest of breaks, as Kerschner was good at covering his tracks.

The four of us went into the building next door to our target, meeting Fallon and Phillip inside. Professorwqq we Willard took the lead, Dorothea and Phillip next, Fallon and Yuliy, with me bringing up the rear. I kept a hand on my nagitana, just in case there were any Vampires lurking in the shadows around us. Fallon was talking about a bar fight he got into, Phillip laughing and telling him to invite him in on the action next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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