Chapter 81-90

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Chapter 81

    Since waking up that day, Cheng Wan has been recuperating in the ward.

    Cheng Wan was able to get out of bed the next day, but the wound was too painful. Cheng Wan endured and took a look at Suishui in the incubator and came back. Don't let her go out.

    But Cheng Wan thought about Suishui, and looked at the photos over and over again. The doctor said that Suishui is still too young, and she must be raised to at least five pounds before she can come out of the incubator.

    Cheng Wan couldn't do anything about it.

    Aunt Pei has been making soup for Cheng Wan in different ways these two days, one is to replenish her body, and the other is to...

    "Drink more soup and water, and when Sui Sui comes out of the incubator, what will you feed her? Aunt Pei said to Cheng Wan while holding the soup, "Do you still want her to drink milk powder?"

    Cheng Wan took the soup with a blushing embarrassment and bit her head to drink it.

    Even if Cheng Wan likes soup, she can't have all three meals a day. She's getting tired of drinking it in the past two days. Chicken soup, fish soup, turtle soup, and eating meat after drinking soup is really boring.

    Cheng Wan raised her head and drank all the soup 'gudonggudong' before handing the bowl to Aunt Pei.

    Bai Juntang sat next to her and accompanied her. Seeing that she was retching after drinking, she stood up and patted her back, helplessly saying to Aunt Pei, "You don't have to drink it every day, three times a day. Who can stand it?"

    Aunt Pei also felt sorry for Cheng Wan, and she said helplessly, "But what can I do, now Suishui looks like this..."

    Cheng Wan's whole body trembled in disappointment when she heard it.

    In fact, these days, she is also very self-blame. It has been nine months. Obviously, if she is more careful, she will be able to last until full-term, otherwise she will not have to suffer this crime.

    The thought that Suishui was sent to an incubator when she was born, and that she would not be able to be with Cheng Wan after that, made her extremely depressed.

    Bai Juntang glanced at Aunt Pei and told her not to say such things.

    When Aunt Pei left, Bai Juntang slashed the apple and said to Cheng Wan, "Don't be too sad, the nurse told me today that the age is very good. If you can eat and sleep, you will be able to get out of the     incubator soon." Cheng Wan said, "What about you, take care of your body now, and when you recover, we will go home every year."

    Cheng Wan looked at Bai Juntang and ate a small piece of apple she fed her, feeling more or less in her heart. There is still some comfort: "You are right, Suisui is safe, I just hope she can grow up a little."

    Hearing that premature babies are weak and easy to get sick, Cheng Wan is very worried about Suishui's body, she thought, in the future I must take care of her more and not let Suishui get hurt again.

    Thinking of Suishui, Cheng Wan felt that her heart was full.

    That is her daughter. Although she is an Omega, the future is not destined to be smooth, but how could she not love her who was born through hard work.

    Every time Cheng Wan saw Suishui's photos, she wanted to hug her.

    No matter what Suishui looks like, it is her heart, whether it will be an Omega or the other 3% in the future, Cheng Wan will not abandon her.

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