chapter 141-150

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 141 141
  The four cars that Yoshiki followed in their convoy also entered the factory area. This place is now unowned, so naturally they can't drive people away.

  But now the situation is special, and everyone is not at ease when unidentified people stay in one place.

  After they had disposed of the corpse, Song Tianyao had almost chatted with the group of people over there.

  This clothing factory is not big, the first floor is full of goods, the second floor is the workshop, and the third floor is the office area and warehouse.

  To be honest, everyone wants an office area with some privacy.

  But by the time they have disposed of the body and come back, the good spot will have been occupied long ago.

  There was no way, a few people finally decided to place it in the workshop, and together they pushed the machine to one place, vacating a large space.

  Wang Xinyu took out the tent from the space and distributed the bamboo mat to everyone.

  Because there has been no rain for several months in a row, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Naturally, it will not feel cold at night, but it will feel very hot.

  The result is that almost no one wants a tent.

  If others don't want her out of her control, she will definitely be on top.

  Just thinking that I might not be able to sleep in the space at night, I was a little worried.

  Everyone sleeps in the same space, and a thin tent won't do much at night. If they fall asleep in the space and people outside call them, it's easy to see that they're not there.

  While cooking, Wang Xinyu was worried that such a hot person would sleep in a tent, not to die of heat.

  To be honest, since the end of the world, she doesn't seem to have suffered in life. Most of them sleep in the space. The temperature in the space is just right, not cold or hot, let alone eating. You will lose yourself.

  Wang Xinyu glanced at the tent that was about to be set up again, and then looked at the one who was setting up the tent, and couldn't take her eyes away.

  Why is he so charming
  Serious men are the most handsome.

  The sweat-wet hair sticked into a tuft, and placed it on the gold-wire glasses, leaving a shadow, making the originally deep eyes appear even more unfathomable.

  On such a hot day, he was still wearing long clothes and trousers, and the buttons of his white shirt were neatly buttoned, giving him an inexplicable sense of abstinence.

  A drop of sweat dripped from his forehead and hit the bridge of his tall nose. Another drop slipped across his face and sank into his temples .   His
  delicate facial features
  suddenly turned his head slightly.
The child, who seemed to have done something bad, hurriedly turned his eyes away after being startled.

  When I looked at the dishes in the pot, I found that it was mushy.

  Wang Xinyu hurriedly turned off the fire, and looking at it again, it was really impossible to save her appearance.

  She glanced around, quickly shoveled it into the trash can, and looked around again, no one seemed to notice her, and she was relieved.

  Then she took out another dish nonchalantly and continued to cook.

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