CH1 - A new person

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White light filled my vision, as I came into consciousness. Everything was white, no matter where I looked. Then, I realized, that I moved. I lifted my hand - I have a hand! I think... -, but it too was white. I looked down, and I saw a featureless, white body. Even as I touched my stomach, it was hard to make it out. I called out.

I did not expect the result. My voice, it was strange. It was like multiple people spoke at the same time, once masculine, then feminine, and back. Why is my voice like that? And why am I not scared, or freaked out about it?

And now, that I think about that... Who am I?

"Welcome to the emptiness, new one." A sudden voice came from behind me, one that was almost the same as mine, except it started with a feminine one, then turned into masculine and back. As I turned around, I met with something new. Something beautiful. A new color.

It was... silver! Yes, it was a white, silk dress, with silver lining at its edges. As my eyes trailed upwards, I saw the other person. Or... thing? I think they were the same as me: completely white, no features, no face. If it weren't for the dress, I wouldn't even notice them. I'm surprised that they saw me.

"Umm... Hello?" I answered uncertainly, unable to decide how to approach my new companion. Did they know me? No, then they would have greeted me with my name.

My name... do I even have one? Now, that I think about it, I cannot remember anything. But then again, I can think, I know the meaning of the words I use. Maybe I just have amnesia? But what about my body, why am I featureless? Or maybe this is how everyone is?

No, then why would we have the word featureless in the first place...

My thought process was cut short by the person in front of me, coming closer.

"I bet you don't understand or remember anything. But not to worry, it will all come back and make sense eventually. My name is Persona." Persona extended their hand, and with a little trouble, I was able to take and shake it. It was starting to become a little disorienting, not seeing your own limbs.

"You may be wondering where we are, and the answer to that is very simple. This place is the emptiness, where nothing exists, well, not yet. This place exists outside time and space, as it hasn't been born yet." As they explained, I let go of their hand, and looked around. Emptiness. A fitting name for this place. But wait...

"Born... If there is no time and space, how are we here? And why?" I turned back to them, not understanding how someone can exist if there is nothing. They smiled... I think. At least I heard as they giggled.

"To start things up, of course! Someone has to bring darkness to the light to create a universe. And that's here you come into place. I'm going to take colors away from you, to give you an appropriate appearance, and you are going to use these colors, and transform them into energy, which when let out, will create an explosion. From that, the universe will be born." That was too crazy to believe. But there was no other explanation to it. But me?

"What, am I like, a God, or something?" I asked, skeptical about this whole thing. Maybe I was just captured, and experimented upon by...

By who? And who could have done this?

"Of course, you are~!" Answered Persona in a sing-song voice. It was too freaky, with the changing voices to be considered good sounding. They continued before I could say anything.

"You are the new one, or God, if this is how you want yourself to be called. I know it's a little strange, but you will get to know everything. First however, we will have to give you an appearance. Or, rather me. The previous one has been given a male look and personality, so you will get a female one."

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