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Tanjiro just got up and attacked him from behind saying, "22th Form: Elicpse through the Leaves". A green color appeared as the hand demon was shocked. Tanjiro sighed as he jumped over the demon. A demon slayer said, " woah..". Tanjiro said, "ugly thing you are...". " ugh... Your strong, I would love to eat you". Tanjiro sighed as he dipped his sword down, a vision of what looks like a sky with a real eclipse and said, "30th Form... Calm Sky". The hand demon went to attack, but his hand was cut off and growled, in a flash Tanjiro was gone as the demon's head was cut off. Tanjiro left as soon as he saw the demon turn into dust.

By the time, it was the 7th day, Tanjiro found his way out as he saw 4 people and thought, 'Damn... Only 4 people including me'. The twins gave them their ores as Tanjiro said, " Mhm...". A beautiful, Black billed Magpie Bird appeared it was black white and a beautiful shade of blue was sent to him. Tanjiro asked, "Why did I get a Magpie bird?". " Cause it means beauty, love, and strong", the girl with the white explained.

What the bird looked like^

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What the bird looked like^

The bird was named, 'Kilo', she was a beautiful and a loveable bird. Tanjiro said, "Hello Kilo". Tanjiro got home as he flopped down on his bed as he groaned from the pain in his body. Kilo was quiet as she watched the flowers bloom from the window.

Two weeks later, a knock was by the door, Tanjiro opened it and said, " Ah! You must be the sword marker, Hotaru... Come in". Hotaru said, "that I am... You give me vibes of a sunshine, I bet you will have a red blade". " Is that so?", Tanjiro said. They sat inside as Tanjiro put his sword in the sun, changing to two colors, red and black... It shocked Hotaru as he said, "woah two colors... Very rare... You must be a strong demon slayer... Have a good day". Hotaru left at that as Tanjiro was dumbfounded a bit. Kilo entered and said" a mission in a village, young girls have been missing". Tanjiro nodded.

Tanjiro left to the village as he saw the village. Later at night, Tanjiro was on the roof as he saw a young girl walking alone. He jumped down and said, "m'Lady, what are you doing, it's dangerous out at night". The girl said, " Oh... Sorry my boyfriend cheated on me... I was lost in thought". Tanjiro took her hand and said, "Jump". The girl did so as Tanjiro grabbed her waist as a black puddle appeared. The girl said, "woah the moon is beautiful tonight...". Tanjiro lead her to her house and said, "you should rest". "Probably", she said. Tanjiro left as the demon was walking around. Tanjiro thought, 'Eclipse Breathing, 4th Form: Burning Bones, Black Summer Sun'. The demon died like that as two more popper out.. Tanjiro thought,



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