Happy birthday Sophie

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*human au*

Sophie's POV:

It was my 23rd birthday today and Keefe made it perfect.

 He treated amazing!

 He took me out for breakfast and went for a walk on the beach, and when we got home a surprise party awaited me.

 I have never loved someone as much as I love him.

 He had been such a good boy today maybe I'll have to reward him....

After everybody went home, after my party I told Keefe I was going to shower and change, but i didn't tell him what I was going to change into.

Biana got me deep red lingerie for my birthday with hand cuffs and very sinful, suggestive note attached to it.

I think your man deserves this, he worked hard for this day to be perfect, I suggest you reward him for being a good boy.

xx Biana😏😏.

At 7 every night he sits on the bed and reads, he doesn't know but I find the fact that he reads incredibly sexy.

After a very relaxing shower, I got dressed, pulling the lace onto my body and strapping the gold and red garters up, and letting my hair out.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

He was on the bed, sprawled out, reading completely unaware of the way Sophie was dressed

She climbed behind him sitting on pillows her back on the head-board with Keefe's head on her lap as she massaged her fingers through his hair.
A soft moan escaped his soft pink lips as she dragged her nails through his head of thick blonde hair

His concentration no longer remained on the book he was reading as his head tilted back ,his eyes growing wide not expecting his girlfriend to be wearing skimpy red lingerie.

He whimpered slightly feeling himself begin to get hard (ummmm I changed POVS at some point🤷‍♀️)

He through his book off the bed not even bothering to mark his page as he turned Around in Sophie's arms comming face to face with his Foster's barely clothed pussy, the raging hard on in his pants had no chance of settling anytime soon if he didn't fuck her. Soon.

Umm gonna leave you on a cliff hanger update soon🤷‍♀️😅😅

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