Chapter 19

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I was awakened by the sound of water dripping down from above. The sound was loud and consistent as I slowly opened my eyes. The air felt chilly and damp as I tried to adjust to the dim surrounding.

"I see you are awake."

I looked around trying to locate the source of the voice and saw a shadow standing some distance away. Squinting my eyes, I couldn't make out the features but somehow, I felt like something about the speaker was familiar. Was it his voice?

"You have been out of it for almost a day. You must be hungry."

As he got closer, I saw that handing me a tray of scrambled eggs and some sort of pastry with a side of jam was Deacon Tudor.

I tried to speak but remembered that I had lost my voice after being kidnapped the first time. He placed the tray on the bed and lifted up the cup of some sweet-scented hot beverage extending it to my lips.

"I understand that you are not able to speak since the last time we met. Not to fear, I am working to remedy it as we speak. As for Everette, rest assured he has been dealt with and won't cause you any more harm henceforth. In the meantime, I suggest you eat up and regain your strength. Master will be most displeased if their vassal was not cared for before the ceremony."

What ceremony is he talking about? What does he mean by 'his vassal'? Urgh! Why won't my voice cooperate? It'll be so much easier to communicate. I gestured with my hand that I wanted something to write with and after a moment, Tudor produced a mobile phone from his person.

"Use this. Mind you, there is no sim card so you can only type your message in the Notes."

I nodded and realized I don't even have any of the Circle member's number save for Mrs Peterson but even that was written down in a small notebook I keep in my satchel. I looked around and didn't see it anywhere. Tudor patiently waited for me to type what I wanted to.

What ceremony were you talking about? What did you mean by 'vassal'?

"Secunda vita. Meaning second life. It is an ancient ritual where a soul is transferred to another person's body to extend the original soul's life. A 'vassal' is the new body that the original soul will be occupying."

I looked at him and was too stunned to think of anything. This cannot be real! How can it be possible? Tudor smiled knowingly and stood up to leave.

"Everyone has that same expression when I tell them about it. You'll believe me soon enough. Oh! And by the way, I've cast an obscuring spell on you so even if Sebastian is able to bridge his mind back with yours, he won't be able to locate you in time to stop the ceremony. I know the extent of Odella's powers and unfortunately, she has not lived enough lifetimes to out-manoeuvre me let alone possess a grimoire as old as I am."

As Tudor's footsteps slowly faded, I tried to slow down the pounding in my chest. Everyone? Who was he referring to? Was it the previous vassals? Was he implying that he has done it before? Has his master been transferring his soul into people all this time? Is it even possible? What happens to the souls of the bodies that are occupied? Do they just die? This is just so unreal. And an obscuring spell? What does that even mean? And what is a grimoire? Is it like a charm? Or a medallion or something?

I looked around and tried to see beyond the bed I was in and figured that since they needed me as a vassal, I doubt they would keep me in a room that was dangerous. I slowly got up and started looking around for an escape route. I followed the direction Tudor had left but all I found was a dead-end.

As I searched, the dimness of the cave-like room started to brighten up and I was able to see as if there was a light present. Maybe that night-vision thing Mr Alcott was talking about is kicking in automatically. That's a relief. As I continued searching, a thought came to my mind. If the night-vision thing kicked it because I was in a darkened room, maybe the other abilities will kick in, too, if I put myself in a situation that will activate it. That's a thought. I should test it out. But how?

As I was walking deeper into the large cavern room, lost in my thoughts, a low hanging stalactite suddenly came into view and cut a deep gash across my forehead. Blood started to drip down my face and hands as I tried to stop the bleeding. I felt my head started to swim as I looked down at the sight of blood in my hand. I dropped down to the ground as I was trying to stop the room from spinning. Suddenly the metallic smell of the blood that was turning my stomach started to change and my mouth started to water and saliva began dripping out of the corners of my mouth. I brought my bloodied hands closer to my face and inhaled their scent, feeling the intoxicating rush that came with the anticipation of drinking it down to the very last drop.

Avery...I've found you...

Suddenly, I could hear Mr Alcott's voice again in my head. Tears immediately started flowing down my cheeks as I felt his voice wrap me in its warmth and safety.

Mr Alcott! Oh my god is that really you? Can you hear me? I'm here! I'm alive!

I felt his relief wash over me and sensed that he was struggling to keep his emotions out of his thoughts.

I am here. Avery. I can hear you as clear as day. Alas, I cannot sense your location. Has someone harmed you? I can feel you bleeding.

I quickly realized that I had to tell Mr Alcott everything Tudor had said about the body transferring and the grimoire or something. I replayed the conversation as best as I could recall. Mr Alcott remained silent as I went over the conversation I had with Tudor and the questions I had.

Thank you, Avery. I will get Odella to assist me and find out what she can. In the meantime, I will need to heal your wound.

I was confused as to how he was going to do that. How will he heal me if he doesn't know where I am and can't get to me?

We are connected, Avery. To heal you, I must nourish myself and feed you through our bond. Your wound will then begin to heal as any wound inflicted upon me would.

Ohhhh...Right. I get it. Alright then. I better make my way back to the bed to rest. Slowly, I stood up shakingly and leaned against the wall leading back to where I had come from. With every step I could feel more blood dripping down my face as my head felt lighter and lighter. I could feel my hands started to feel colder. I should have eaten first before I went exploring. Damn it.

Avery. I beg of you. Please. Do not exert yourself just yet. A donor is on their way as we speak.

But just as he said the last word, my head felt blinded as it was filled with a sudden burst of light. I could no longer feel my hands and legs but I could feel as my body collapse to the ground and the darkness came to greet me once more.

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