dare 6 part 2

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This part is about the ones they like the most. 

Me: Alright, we'll do it the same way as last time, so Megatron you start. 

Megatron: Alright, Soundwave come with me. 

Airachnid: *whispering* I knew it! 

Megatron: *confused* What did you know? 

Airachnid: That Soundwave was your favourite. 

Megatron: Of course he is, he doesn't try to kill me every second. 

Megatron spending time with Soundwave 

Megatron: Do you remember our battles? 

Soundwave: *nods* 

Megatron: You were the only one I actually enjoyed fighting, while I knew that I could never kill you. We were to close for that. 

Soundwave: Yes, you're right. 

Megatron: It's good to hear your voice again, old friend. 

Soundwave: Thank you Megs, you're a real friend. 

Me: Next.  

Starscream: Knockout come with me, ask no questions. 

Starscream spending time with Knockout 

Knockout: *smirking* I would have never thought that you liked me the most Screamer. 

Starscream: *blushing* Shut up Knockout. 

Knockout: Yes commander Screamer. 

Starscream: *blushing more* Shut up Knocky. 

Knockout: Oh, so we're already giving nicknames. 

Starscream: *blushing like a madman*. 

Me: *whispering* Megatron save Starscream. 

Megatron: On it. *takes Starscream away.* 

Me: Next. 

Airachnid: I don't like anyone. *walks away* 

Me: Okay, next. 

Dreadwing: Skyquake, could you please come. 

Skyquake: I'm coming brother. 

Dreadwing spending time with Skyquake 

Dreadwing: I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. 

Skyquake: Don't blame yourself, it is not your fault. 

Dreadwing: *crying* It is, I could have been there. 

Skyquake: It's okay little brother, everything is okay now. 

Me: Cute brother moment, next. 

Skyquake: Brother come with me. 

Dreadwing: Again? 

Skyquake spending time with Dreadwing 

Skyquake: This is going to be boring as we already spent time together minutes before. 

Dreadwing: Yep. *hugs Skyquake* 

Skyquake: What are you doing? 

Dreadwing: Hugging you. 

Skyquake: Why? 

Dreadwing: Because I'm bored. 

Skyquake: *laughs and hugs back* 

Me: Next! 

Makeshift: I don't really like anyone. 

Me: Okay, next! 

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