Chapter 1 The Meet Cute

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Asher POV
I'm currently walking towards the temple of worship, and to be honest, I serectly really hate doing worship, but obviously, I would never confess this to my mishpacha it would kill them.

You see, ever since I was young, my parents have basically ingrained sultan things into my head, one, to be grateful that I was even born into a Jewish family, two, to never forget the hardships that my single great grandmother took into imaginatiing our family to America from Israel all those decades ago, and three, the most important and may as well have stood alone is to find a nice Jewish girl, get married and have lots of Jewish babies. Don't get me wrong, thats not the only thing that they hammered into my brain. They also spent countless hours teaching me about the 10 Commandments and their significance. These teachings are directly derived from the Torah.

You see, the Torah is kind of like the Christian's Bible, except it only has the Old Testament, and I, like most teenaged Jews, have had to read from it when I eventually came of age so did my younger siblings Avi and London at their ceremonies.

Coming of age for a Jewish teen is a very important milestone in our culture, heritage, and faith. It basically means that any 13 year old boy or girl becomes an adult. Well, it's the first step into adulthood, I had mine at the tender age of 13, like most people, but that was because of my busy film schedule at the time. Mizvah's are like parties, gaint over the top parties, for boys, it's called a Bar Mizvah, and for girls, it's called a Bat Mizvah.

Unlike going to the temple of worship, I actually really enjoyed my Bar Mizvah because I got to have it at my house. The Rabbi had given me and my younger relatives some candy after the reading, which was also soon followed by him giving me some advice for when it eventually came time for me to be wed.

Honestly, in my opinion, at this rate, my parents could do whatever they please with me. With the only condition being, they can't choose a bride for me, because if I was ever going to get married, I would want it to be for love, and not just for the Jewish image. Besides, In my own personal opinion, I strongly believe that my current relationship with Caroline is running pretty smoothly, and I really don't want them to be interfering with another one of my relationships like they've previously done so in the past...

Well, it's mostly my Imma Coco who does, more so than anyone else in my family, but I kinda somewhat understands where she's coming from, I am her first born and the oldest child out of my two younger siblings. Which automatically makes me have to be the primary example for them.

_____________Time Skip______________
Once twe had stepped out of the doors of the temple, my parents didn't waste a moment. To go and talk eagerly with another couple who looked about their ages. So I just decided not to intervene with their conversation, meaning I would just stand quietly and wait for who knows how long for their talk to be over and done with accordingly. With me being perched up and against one of the temple walls, silently wishing it was all over.

Coco POV
Me and my husband Jody and I were talking to our soon to be in-laws. We decided not to tell Asher about our little arrangement between the Gray's and their daughter because we already knew that he would most likely go insane if we were telling him now...

"When are we planning on getting these two engaged?" Jody asks curiously.

"Well," Paul began, "it has to be a day where they least expect it," he says, while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ooohh, how about Hanukkah?!" Martha suggests.

"Great idea!" I say while raising my eyebrows in excitement.

"Speaking of which," Martha says, worried, "Where are our children?" She looks around in slight concern and curiosity for the two young adults.

"I'm here!" Asher says while waiting forward towards the group and smiling widely.

Mr. and Mrs. Wieners quickly takes one look at my son in shock and instinctively turns to face us in disbelief. "That's your son?!" They say, almost screaming with eyes facing down. "He's gotten quite handsome from the last time that we saw him,"

"Yes?" Me and my husband Jody respond back while looking at our friends in shock."he has, hasn't he?" we both say this quite arrogantly, of course, not meaning to sound like it, but it just came out as such.

Paul and Martha stare at Asher, who is now standing closely next to me, in the small circle we have created. They nod smile in union at my son.

"Shabbot Shalom Asher," Paul says while extending his hand to shake the young man already slightly shakey palm. "You seem like a very respectable and responsible young man,"

Asher nods his head in response and smiles softly while shaking our friend's hand "yes Sir" he says with slight nervousness.

Paul smiles warmly back at him and says enthusiastically. "Well, since you're here, we'd really like to introduce you to someone," he says, gesturing towards a young woman walking towards us in the distance.

"Asher," Paul continues to say, "This is our daughter, Gretchen,"


Stuck With You (Asher Angel x Gretchen Wieners) •WIP•Where stories live. Discover now