Chapter 6

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~At Home~ Y/N's POV: 

Finally...I'm home. After everything that happened mom told me I had to stay downstairs for the next couple weeks. With the cast I couldn't really do much. I told Mom I was ready to go to school, but she said no.

*ding* Mom Finally gave me my phone back and everyone was blowing it up. Fab, El, Trent, and Ben. BEN?! Shoot I completely forgot that our date was tonight.

-From two days ago:-

Ben: Hey David told me about what happen are you okay?

Ben: We should probably reschedule Friday night.

Ben: Have the doctors said anything?

Ben: You probably don't have your phone do you?

Ben: Just text me when you get all these.

-The present-

Ben: Hey David said you get home today. Hope to talk soon.

ME: Hey Ben, yeah, we are going to have to reschedule Friday. I have a broken ankle and a hairline skull fracture, so I won't be doing much of anything for the next couple weeks.

Ben: Holy shit, well if you need anything let me know.

ME: Thanks Ben!

*knock knock knock* Who could that be? I wondered as I slowly go up from the couch. Devi was finally ready to go back to school and mom ran to the store to get groceries and my meds. So, I was on my own for the next couple hours.

I opened the door and am meet with. this amazingly handsome man, maybe 2-3 years older than me?

"Um can I help you?" I ask checking him out which he must it a lot because once my eyes made their way back up to his, he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah, actually I was wondering if Devi was home? She told me she would write me a paper for English and told me to pick it up from here." He said with a smile. Damn even his smile was perfect! I thought to myself.

"Uhh...Yeah let me go check her room, you can come in if you'd like. Wait what's your name? I didn't catch it" 

"Paxton, Paxton Hall-Yoshida" He said sticking out his hand for me to shake. So this is the famous Paxton, Mom told me about. Damn Devi's got game.

"Nice to meet you Paxton, I'm Y/N Vishwakuma," I said as I turned around. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I took a deep breath, they looked longer now than when I could normally walk. I got about 3 steps up when Paxton came up behind me.

"Here let me help you," he said as he picked me up bridal style. It's like I weighed nothing to him. 

"Thanks" I said as he put me down. I tried to hide the blush on my face as I headed to Devi's room. I started ding around on her desk. "Found it!" I said, turning around. Only to be met face to face with Paxton. He held eye contact but then his eyes flicked down to my lips and back up. No way he was going to kiss me, right? 

"Thank you, Little V," he said as he grabbed the paper. Little V? What the heck it that?

"What the heck does Little V mean?" I asked as we made our way to the stairs.

"Nothing just a nickname I came up with, I thought it was cute and fitting," he said as he picked me up to take me back down stairs. I tried to hide my blush by putting my head in my shoulder. "Don't hide that cute blush from me," he said, which made me blush even harder. Once he put me down, he grabbed my chin with his thumb and index finger, making me look him in the eyes. I didn't think I could blush any harder but if I could I'm sure I was. "So, when are you able to go back to school?"

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