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Hey author here just here to give a update after about 1 YEAR and a half... I'm a bad author, I know...

'com links'



     I'm still concerned about how to take care of bumblebee, he's more valuable than ever. Bumblebee can't seem to stay out of danger. I look down at Bee, looking at his optics, those innocent optics that haven't seen the horrors of war.  Unlike the first time I meet him.


A deception attack on a large city, the devastation lasting for miles. There were many bots laying offline. I had sent my team out to different parts of the city to look for any survivors.

'Any signs of survivors yet?' I commed.

'Negative.' 'Negative, nothing out west ward' 'Negative there doesn't seem to be any survivors' My team responded.

I sigh. I know that we are in a war but it's still devastating to see the bots who weren't part of the war, bots I failed to protect.

'We will regroup back at the meeting ground' I say.

Just as I was getting ready to regroup with my team I hear a faint sound. I pause feeling some hope fill my spark.

I waited till I heard it again, a faint cry under some rubble. I rush towards the cries I start to move the debris, the cries have turned into whimpers. As I move a large piece of debris, I'm shocked to see a sparkling.

I thought there weren't any sparkling left after decepticons attacked and bombed the hospitals and daycares.

The sparklings had a yellow and black frame and big blue optics that looked up at me with terror.

"Hello little one, I'm not going to hurt you." I say gently as I hold my servos up to show I don't mean any harm.

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. I need you to come with me I can keep you safe." I reach out my servo to them.

They are hesitant, looking up at me before slowly crawling out of their hiding place then walking towards me. Now that I can see them better I noticed them limping slightly and had some dents. I'll have to get them to ratchet. I pick up the sparkling, who clings to me. They seem so small and fragile.

I commed my team telling them I have found a survivor. I also com ratchet to inform him to get the med bay ready. I meet with my team and they are as surprised as I was seeing a the sparkling.

We walked through the groundbridge and are met with ratchet looking to see, who is shocked by the sparkling but snaps out of it to help them.

The sparklings was malnourished and needed rest. I wanted to stay by their side. To be there when they wake up. I study their frame not wanting to keep calling him call them the sparkling. When it hits me.

"Bumblebee" I mudder. I had read of it, a small black and yellow organism from the planet earth. It seemed to fit with this sparkling.

~Flashback ends~

  I shoke my head and look down at bumblebee in my arms, who was finally recharging.

Although I have thing to do. I'm hesitant to move, not wanting to wake him up.

{I guess I might as well rest. I'll have a long day ahead if I'm to take care of bumblebee. I'll have to ask ratchet to help me later}.

Ratchets POV

   I glance over to see Optimus with bee all tuckered out in his arms and I won't lie it's quite a cute thing to see.

Optimus has always been attached to bumblebee ever since he found him and I can't blame him, bee is a cute sparkling.

It's already been a month since bee was turned into a sparkling and he's already taken our sparks. Primus, Optimus is practically Bumblebee's sire.

I notice that Optimus has fallen asleep. He'll need it. Taking care of a sparkling is hard work, especially if they are very energetic, like bumblebee.

I'll leave them be. I know the others had left earlier to drop of the kids and will be back soon. I commed the others, telling them to enter the base quietly as to not wake up Optimus and bumblebee, who is finally sleeping.

I also threaten them that I will not hesitate to attack any of them if they wake them up. Just to make sure my message was received.

Hey author here again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I finally got the motivation to write so hopefully I can get more chapters out soon. Have a good day/afternoon/night. Bye~

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