Easter special

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Hello and Happy Easter. This is a Easter special. Hope you enjoy. ✨Bye✨.


Ratchet POV

Today was supposed to be a quiet day.

The kids were at base discussing plans for Easter. After they found out we didn't know what Easter was.

"Miko, do you think you can lower your volume. Your going to wake Bumblebee". I said, prayed to primus that he hasn't woken.

Primus wasn't on our side

I hear a noise from behind and turn to see a tired Optimus with a cranky looking Bumblebee.

I sigh. Knowing that Optimus hasn't been getting much recharge lately, I ant help but feel bad for him, having to watch over Bee and lead the others on missions.

"Optimus you should get some recharge, I'll watch over Bee." I say softly. Optimus is feeding bee and turns to look at me.

"It's fine Ratche-" I cut him off.

"No Optimus don't give me that ' I'll be fine' scrap . I'm going to watch over Bee. The last thing we need is for you to pass out." I say while carefully taking bee from his arms.

"Now go recharge, you know Bee will be fine with me." I look at Optimus. He seems hesitant to go.

"Optimus," I say while taking holding his servo.

"you know you don't have to take care of Bee by yourself. I helped you with him when you found him back on Cybertron. It's okay to ask if you need help with him." As I say that I can see Optimus relax.

"Alright but if you need me just wake me." Optimus says and with that he starts walking away.

I look down at be in my arm. He is still a little fussy. It's going to be a long day.

~✨Time Skip ✨~

Raf's POV

I don't know how but Miko somehow managed to drag ratchet into helping us decorate the base.

He seemed ok with it and he brought Bee with him with was nice.

Ever since Bee was turned into a sparkling I haven't seen him often. Nor Optimus that much. {Now that I think of it. Where is Optimus?}

"Hey Ratchet, Where's Optimus?" I ask.

"He's resting. Bee's been restless and keeping him up, so I sent him off to recharge." He says looking down at Bee, who was playing with  the colored paper shreds that Jack's mom had brought to help decorate.

"Why don't we try burning some of that energy out of Bee then!" Miko yelled from across the catwalk.

"You don't think we've tried. Bee seems to never tire. We could chase him around base TEN TIMES and he still won't be tired." Smokescreen says. Looking at Bee who has found a way to semi-bury himself in the confetti and paper sheds.

"It can't be that hard. Maybe we can have bee do a egg hunt around the base to wear him out." Miko says. She must have forgotten that the bots don't know what an egg hunt is.

"What Miko means is that we can hide these easter eggs around base and have bee look for them to tire him out." I explain to the bot.

"It wouldn't hurt to try after all we have all day to try and tire him out." Bulkhead says pick Bee up from the pile of confetti and paper.

"But someone will have to keep and eye on him to. To make sure he doesn't accidentally hurt himself." Ratchet buts in.

We all look at ratchet. He dose have a point we don't know what Bee might do since, only from what the others told us, Bee is unpredictable.

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