dead expression.

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"MEZZA YOURE HEREE!" screamed grace as I walked through the gates of our school. "I wish I wasn't." I replied angrily.

"mate, we have our GCSEs this year and I just frankly can't be arsed." I complained tiredly, making my way into the hell hole called school.

"I would be knackered if I were you, you see what you did to Sam last night?" She answered excitedly, imitating punches and kicks, blocking fake attacks. I just rolled my eyes and touched my bruised face which was covered with makeup.

"Hey, I've got some vodka in my bottle, we can have it at break." Grace whispered to me, making my eyes light up.

No, I'm not a alcoholic or anything, but I just need it right now. And yes I'm 15 but everyone does it, so it's ok. Right?

We headed for our first class, chemistry. Mr more was ok, but I despise chemistry. I walked into the classroom with grace, and sat next to her grabbing my pen.

"Millie, what is the answer?" Mr more asked, making the whole class look at me. He was pointing to a board, and it read 'what is the bond between atoms with nearly equal electronegatives' i looked at him to see if that was the question and he just raised his eyebrows. 

"Is it dehydration synthesis sir?" I asked giving him a smug look. "Yes it is, Ermmm well-done." He replied confused on how I got the answer.


As the clock turned 3:15 I packed away my stuff and got out of the school as fast as I could. Me and grace had already finished the bottle of vodka and was in our way to the 'best one' shop around the corner to buy some food.

As we got into the shop, grace went towards the sweets ilse as I went to go get drinks. I got the drinks I wanted and let my bag drop on the floor, letting the contents spill everywhere. After making sure the man behind the counter heard, I started to put things back in including the drinks, what you thought I was going to pay?

"Have you heard the crash that happened on the a105?" She man said as me and grace were heading for the door. "No, was it bad?" Grace asked, intrigued. "Worse than bad, one car flew into the other side of the road and crashed into the closed petrol station. Poor soul." he said shaking his head. "I feel bad for the family." I said, walking out of the shop.

We quickly made our way to the field behind my house. It was lush to go and eat there since you had a nice view of our run down town.

We sat in silence until I got a phone call from a unknown number. "Huh?" I said, confused as I looked down to my phone. Grace gave me a look before telling me to answer it.

"Hello is this Millie Andrews?" Said a posh sounding lady on the other side of the phone.

"Yes this is Millie?" I asked I na confused tone.

"I'm sorry to say this Millie, your mother has been in a accident and has unfortunately passed." Said the voice behind the phone.

My face turned cold, rotten even. My eyebrows dropped and my eyes became weak. My mouth was open a slight bit and I could feel my face turn white.

"What's wrong Mezza?" Asked grace, noticing my foul facial expression.

"My mam, she was the one in the car." I reply, with a dead expression and a cold tone.


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