😋No hetero, right?(Nikimanfold)

405 3 7

Niki x Jackmanifold

Contains:Soft sex, Fingering,Homies helping each other, Jack is a beta ,Niki is Omega, some part I change because Jack doesn't have a hair __________________________________________

Jack was miserable. It was ironic; he'd just recently switched his medication because he'd been feeling better, and the new meds immediately made him sick. He couldn't turn his head without his whole body aching, his world spinning and his head pounding like his brain was trying to escape his skull.

"I'm sorry, man, I didn't want to cancel but I feel like dogshit right now," he said.

(Wil is a bottom,but in this book he will be Top or bottom depend what ship it is)

Wilbur's sigh came quiet through the phone speaker. "Yeah, you don't sound great. But hey, we don't have to go out. We can just come over and have pizza and a movie or something."

Niki's voice murmured something in the background, and Wil relayed the message: "Niki says you have to, so."

Jack was quiet for a minute.

"We'll be there in 15," Jack said.


He turned off his phone, and the room went blissfully dark again. Jack's eyes felt heavy, not in a tired way but like they wanted to fall out of his skull, and he shut his eyelids to trap them just in case. He'd called his doctor earlier, and she said it was fine but to call her if it got worse. He was right on the edge of calling when the doorbell rang and his eyes snapped open.

Jack glanced at the time. He must've fallen asleep.

Niki and Wil were waiting outside his door with an intimidating box of pizza smelling of cheese and grease. They didn't wait for an invitation to come in- Wil was already halfway to the living room with the pizza in hand, monologuing about something Jack couldn't discern. Niki took one look at him and frowned with that puppy face of hers, reaching up to touch his face. He couldn't help but melt a little at the cool, soft hand on his cheek. She smelled like pear shampoo and almonds, and he breathed in the familiar scent gratefully.

"M okay," he mumbled.

She cooed a little and led him by the shoulders over to the couch, where Wil was already scrolling through Netflix and munching on a slice of pizza. Jack flopped decidedly in the middle of the couch, his two tall friends on either side of him, and sunk down deep into the cushions.

By the time Wil had selected a movie, and Niki had managed to feed him one slice of pizza, Jack had migrated. He was now laying across both their laps, his head on Niki's thighs and his legs draped over Jack's. Niki's recently painted nails raked soothingly through his head, and Jack found himself on the verge of something adjacent to sleep. His head didn't hurt anymore, but a persistent, deep ache was growing in his stomach, and every sound had become overwhelming. He was doing his best to block out the noise, but it wasn't good enough.

Jack whined and turned in Niki's lap, clutching at her sweater like a child.

Hey, hey," she said, helping him sit up. "What is it? Are you okay?"

"Tummy hurts," Jack explained, and promptly buried his face in her neck to breathe in her scent.

Niki laughed softly and tried to push his head away, but Jack whimpered(like bottom *ahem*) pathetically and she went stiff. "...Wil, I think you should leave," she announced, cautiously sniffing the air.

"What? Why?"

"Jack's going into heat."

Wil's eyes widened. "Oh, shit." He gathered his phone and keys from the table and practically ran to the door, shoving on his shoes before yelling out a goodbye into the apartment and slamming the door.

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