• chapter 1 •

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You were a senior in highschool, almost 19. Everyday was the same as the last, wake up, go to school, eat, sleep. Recently, talk of the "grabber" spread around your school; A man had been kidnapping young boys, he recently had taken another boy, finny. It had been a week since finny was taken, Who knew when the grabber would strike again..

Today, since your mother was a work and had your car, you decided to walk to your grandmother's house, taking a quick shortcut through the football field right behind the school.

Once you had passed the gates onto the sidewalk, a large black van came into your sight.

Suddenly, a man came tumbling from behind, dropping his bag of groceries. "well..gosh" he mumbled. The mysterious man looked up at you, "ain't that just peachy keen" he giggled, it was a little creepy, but you were to nice to not help. "Could you hand me my hat?" He said, pointing to it. You smile and nod, grabbing it and passing it to him. He got up, fixing his shirt, putting the hat into his head. "I am a part time magician. Would you like to see a magic trick?" He hums, a wide grin on his face. "Oh ..sure!" You said, holding your backpack on your shoulder. He picked up the can from the ground, shaking it.

The side of the van was open, you peaked a bit "hey are those black balloons?" You asked, "mhm" he hums. That's when it happened. the man's large arms wrapped around you, trapping you. You tried to scream but we're stopped by whatever he sprayed into your mouth. He pushed you into the van, letting the balloons fly out.

Once at his house, he carried you down the stairs, into the basement. He dropped you onto the hard mattress, making you hiss in pain. He just stared at you. "Fucking bitch. Look at what you did to my arm .. I should snap your neck for doing that.." he growled, when he'd taken you, your nail sliced into his arm leaving a decent cut. He sat next to you on the bed, watching you. "not like you could see shit.." he mumbled, moving his hand to move a piece of hair from your face. Your body was shaking violently, tears streaming down your cheeks.

He let out a sigh "I won't..hurt you anymore. . The thing I said about snapping your neck? I was just mad is all.." he hums, just watching you. Your vision was still blurred, your throat dry and scratchy. "how about..I get you a soda? Hm? Everyone likes soda.." he said booping your nose. Creep.

He got up , making his way to the door. He stopped for a minute, looking back at you "hm..was that the phone? Did you hear a phone ringing?" He mumbled. "I'll go check..then I'll get you you're sprite" he giggled, going up the stairs, locking the door behind him.

You got up, making your way to the door, trying to open it. Of course it won't open. He locked it.

Tears streamed down your face, what in the hell would you do now? There's no way out.

That's when you saw it. The black phone. You ran to it, grabbing it quickly, not even getting a good look at it. You tried to dial your mom's number, putting the phone up to your ear. Nothing. "it doesn't work. Hang it up." The man growled. You jumped, quickly hanging the phone back up. You turn around, he was holding a tray of eggs with a sprite.

"What is your name?" He asked, tilting his head a bit.
You thought for a minute, not sure if you should be honest or make up a name..
"It's (your name). . "
"Mm.. I see" he hums, placing the tray down, turning around to leave.
Once he left, you ran to the tray, reaching for a fork to find that he infact did not give you one. You scooped up the dry eggs, shoving it into your mouth. They tasted heavenly, you weren't sure if it was because you were starving or if they were actually that good. Grabbing the soda, you chugged it down, almost gagging.

Once finished, you looked down at the glass in your hand. You could use it as a weapon..smash it on the floor and stab him with a piece of it..but..you were to scared. To scared of failure..what if you tried to and failed? He'd kill you on the spot.

You made your way back to the hard mattress, laying down on your side. It squeaked under your weight, the springs dug into your skin, poking out of the mattress.
You'd managed to fall asleep, when you woke, you found yourself in Total darkness. It was uncomfortably silent, the only noise being your own breathing. Sitting up, you could feel someone watching, someone.. staring at you. "You're awake.." a voice hummed, it didn't take long for you to realize who it was. The grabber.
"Go back to bed.." he mumbled, leaning closer to you, caressing your hair softly. It was very creepy..you felt your body trembling violently.
He stood back up, leaving the basement.. usually, a click could be heard, but..not today..
That's when you realized. . .

He didn't lock the door.


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