•Chapter 3•

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You're head was pounding, the room around you was spinning. You had just woken up, remembering just what the man had done the day before.

Tears streamed down your cheeks, remembering the awful things he said. Where your parents really not looking for you?
Did they really forget about you like all of the other missing children?
You sunk into the bed, curling up. Tears continued to flow down your cheeks, body shaking.

The sound of the door opening made you jump up, pushing yourself against the wall.

Albert walked into the room, wearing the top half of his mask and a blue knitted sweater, tray in hand. "I should starve you for how you acted yesterday..but..I've decided to..forgive you." He hums, placing the tray onto the floor.

You stare at him, scared that one wrong move will make him snap.

"Well?" He said, crossing his arms impatiently.

"Thankyou..." You say, looking down at your hands. You picked at your skin, terrified.

"Good girl..." he hums, slowly creeping closer. "Your so pretty..you know that?" He says, pushing the hair from your face. "oh.. thankyou" you mumble, nervously looking up at him. He was towering over you.

"Eat up, I'll be back down in a bit." He says, turning around and leaving.

Once the door shut, you ran to the tray, scarfing down the eggs. Once you finished, you grabbed the bottle of sprite, chugging it down.

The phone didn't ring..not since last night.

Ringgg ringgggg

Quickly getting up, you grabbed the phone, putting it up to your ear. "hello?"

"Put the phone up. It doesn't work"

You jumped a bit, quickly putting it back. "It hasnt worked since I was a kid.." the man mumbled, scratching his arm.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" He asked, turning to you.
"A..movie? Upstairs?" You asked, hoping you'd get just a little bit of freedom. Anything.

"Well yeah silly" he giggled, offering his hand.

He was creepy

But for some reason..he made you feel safe.

To be continued

HI I'm sorry this chapter was so short. I haven't been feeling motivated. I'll try to do better with the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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