No sex

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 "I hate that Jacob was right" I say to myself as I struggle out of the pant I had on I hiss my teeth searching in the back of my closet for my maternity clothes

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"I hate that Jacob was right" I say to myself as I struggle out of the pant I had on I hiss my teeth searching in the back of my closet for my maternity clothes.

I'm not even three months good yet and my clothes can't fit anymore.

I shake my head at how fast and easy the maternity pants was to put on I wasn't planning to go on the road today but Amber wants me to follow her to the doctors.

When I'm fully dressed I get my purse and head downstairs.

"Is everything okay" I ask the chef she and another chef are here preparing the food for the dinner party later.

"Yes mrs Collins everything is on track" she tells me.

I'm still not used to people calling mrs. Collins.

"Alright I'm going on the road if you need anything gave me a call" I tell the chef before leaving.

I stand in the garage wondering which car to drive then I realized that I've driven all of them except for the Ferrari that I ruin Jacob hasn't driven it since it's gotten fixed either.

"I guess I'm driving a Ferrari today" I say to myself I take the keys and get into the car after adjusting the mirrors to my liking I start the car.

The Ferrari feels a little different than the other cars but I'll manage.

I drive over to Nicks house to pick up Amber and she comes out of the house with Nicks daughter Gabi.

"Hi Gabi" I say as she runs towards the car she looks so much like her mother it's unbearable the only thing she as for Nick is his complexion.

"Hi Sky do you like my hair Amber did it" she says showing me her cute cornrow hairstyle.

"Wow it's so pretty" I tell her and her smile gets bigger and bigger she's so much like Nick love smile.

"Sky this car no seem kid friendly" Amber says as she puts Gabi in the back.

"I don't think it is but I didn't know Gabi was joining us today"

"She wasn't supposed but her m.o.m d.e.c.i.d.e.d   that she has b.e.t.t.e.r  things to do" she tells me buckling the seatbelt on Gabi.

"Amber you know I can spell right" Gabi says to Amber I try to hold back my laugh but it still comes out.

"I know sweetie" Amber smiles at her then closes the door and gets in the front passenger seat.

"So why we going to the doctor?" I ask Amber as I drive off.

"Hold on" Amber says giving Gabi her tablet and headphones.

Once Gabi starts watching her show and can no longer hearing us she looks at me worried and says " I massed up"

"What do mean massed up?" I ask her

"There's a chance I may be pregnant" she whispers.

"Really I thought you said you didn't want kids"

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