Spa day

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 I open my eyes to see the sun peeking through the curtains the clock on the bedside table shows that it just nine in the morning

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I open my eyes to see the sun peeking through the curtains the clock on the bedside table shows that it just nine in the morning.

Jacob lays beside me still asleep I move the sheet off my naked body and stretch my arms as I move off the bed.

"Ow ow OW!"  I fall back on the bed crying from the pain I'm feeling when I try to walk.

I take a pillow hitting Jacob with it to wake him "get up!" I shout angrily.

"Stop!" He takes the pillow tossing it on the floor.

"What's your problem?" He ask holding his head.

"Mi in a pain that's my problem!" I say very pissed off.

"Hush try get some more sleep then"he tells me closing back his eyes.

"Are you crazy I want to go pee and I can't even walk" I cry even more.

He finally looks at me to see I'm really in pain he gets up and walks over to my side of the bed and lifts me up carrying me to the bathroom.

After putting me on the toilet he starts to fill the bathtub with water, soap and bath salts.

"You no urinate yet" Jacob asks me after awhile.

"No I'm scared it go burn" I admit.

"You want hold mi hand?" He ask giving me his hand I hold it tightly as I slowly pee.

Which did brun

After I'm finish peeing and wiping Jacob and I get in to the full tub the bubbles cover my body up to my neck I reast my head on his chest and he wap his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry bello" he apologizes in a low tone.

"I don't understand first you say I can't manage it but last night you were very rough with me on purpose" water falls from my eyes as I'm talking.

He sighs heavily "I got a little carried away never meant to hurt you"

I take some deep breath's trying to relax more.

He softly kisses behind my ear and whispers.

"I love you"


"Bbz" Jacob calls from what sounds like in the hallway.

I don't answer because I'm too focus on what I'm seeing in the mirror.

My neck is felled with Jacob's hand print and a few hickeys.

"Ugu looks how you do mi neck" I'm stressed.

He looks at me from the doorway with a mischievous look on his face.

"If you did have manners that wouldn't happen" he says looking down at his phone when a text comes in.

I hiss my teeth and he looks up at me.

"Come here" he calls me over in a serious tone I slowly walk over to him looking down at my feet.

I don't know why I feel like this.

Jacob is full of joy and smiles when it comes to me majority of the time, but when he's serious he's a little scary.

He lifts my chin to make eye contact I try to look everywhere else but he just follows my eyes everywhere.


Why him love eye contact so

It's so intense

"Mi like say you have little attitude but sometimes you act like you forgot who mi be so if mi haffi do that fi remind you mi a go do it"

"Furthermore my church girl no fi a cuss bad word" he adds then gives me a kiss.

His lips are so soft I sink away into the kiss as he depends it.

I tip on my toes putting my arms around his neck he lifts me warping my legs around him.

I love being picked up

My robe rides up exposing my bare ass which Jacob takes as an invitation to start squeezing it.

"Mi have a surprise for you" he announce.

I smile excitedly and he pecks my lips and brings me downstairs.

We turn down the hallway where the gym is he puts me down in front a close door.

And smirk at me before opening it.

I look a little confused when I see three women dressed in white masseuse outfits.

"I made you spa and I think today is the perfect day for its first use" Jacob says hugging me from behind.


I smile at how cute the set up is.

"When did you do this?" I ask in shock

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"When did you do this?" I ask in shock.

"Well most of the big projects were done while we were on our honeymoon and the rest had to be slowly finish on days when you're not home" he says proudly.

"I love it and I love the fact that you made something for me that you know I would enjoy" I tell him still in disbelief.

"Everything for my baby mi go alway mek you get the word" he kisses my neck.

"So theses ladies are going to give you a massage, facial and pedicure and I'm going to give you your space" he says introducing me to the masseuses.

"Enjoy your spa day bello" he gives me one more kiss before leaving the room.

I love my husband

"I heard we have a pregnant mama so we made sure the massage bed  was made that you could lay on your stomach without squeezing the baby" one of the masseuse tells me.

"I think that's gonna be my favorite part" I admit that they all laugh.

I smile anxiously as she helps me on to the bed taking off my robe and placing the sheets over me.

I exhale slowly getting myself prepared for this relaxing day I'm about to have.

AN: Don't forget to vote 🗳️ by the way do you guys like the new book covers.

And if you haven't already go check out my other book.
(The wrong brother)

It's the opposite of church girl, but it's a very nice read.

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