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Riyya Replied To Raides and went back to sleep , But Rendi couldnt sleep so he went to the rooftop to get some air he was all colapsed and all we know is something is bothering him !

Riyya Replied To Raides and went back to sleep , But Rendi couldnt sleep so he went to the rooftop to get some air he was all colapsed and all we know is something is bothering him !

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Even though Riyya went to bed early , she couldnt sleep either she was in deep thoughts about Rendi and his sudden mood changes

" Ahh , i couldnt sleep ! Let me grab some water !, my good ! rendi hasnt sleep or else i may be Blind by now , where is he ? But

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" Ahh , i couldnt sleep ! Let me grab some water !, my good ! rendi hasnt sleep or else i may be Blind by now , where is he ? But ... " as Riyya was talking she appeared beside Rendi on the Roof top , she saw that rendi seems to be so confused and broked down , she went and sat beside him , Rendi noticed Riyya and said " oh im sorry ! I though i could finish it up ahd come down with in a fourty minutes but i got lost in my thoughts, come lets go down you were sleeping nuh ? I am sorry " . " no im alright lets be like this for a while , please ! " said Riyyah , Rendi smiled and sat calmly ! " you know Riyya ? The very first Time when i got possessive i was happy in the mean time ! Since i was Realizing my love for her because of that! " smiled Rendi , " can i know about it , i wanna hear more ! ," said Riyyah .
Rendi smiled and started telling Riyya about the first possessive incident , " Me and she used to get into many fights that time once she got overboard , she used to study with me at the library that day she didnt call me to study instead she was with her new friends and my problem was not only that but she got another boy as her friend , you should see my face then , i got so annoyed and walked back " .

Rendi smiled and started telling Riyya about the first possessive incident , " Me and she used to get into many fights that time once she got overboard , she used to study with me at the library that day she didnt call me to study instead she was ...

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