Jujutsu High

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Y/N Pov: 

"Sigh, today's the day I am going to Jujutsu High." 

To be honest, I've always been interested but I just can't stand meeting new people. I used to be bullied frequently throughout my entire secondary life and now my orphanage decided to send me to this school. 

I mean, I saw curses since I was 5 but I never mentioned it to anyone because I don't want people to call me a freak. I slowly figured out my ability soon enough, it is mind reading. I could read your memories and see into the future (for about 1 minute) ... 

I went downstairs to find the kindest caretaker in the orphanage waving her hands, she told me that my new school uniform had just arrived, I took the package and went back upstairs to change into my school uniform, this is what it looks like: 

* I don't know your style and sorry if you don't like it! One thousand sorry!!!*

*Credits to the original owner, pictures from Pinterest, and the keyword is Jujutsu Kaisen school uniform*

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I walked downstairs as I styled my hair, my caretaker gave me a nice breakfast it looks like this: 

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I walked downstairs as I styled my hair, my caretaker gave me a nice breakfast it looks like this: 

I walked downstairs as I styled my hair, my caretaker gave me a nice breakfast it looks like this: 

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She kindly said,

"The new chapter of your life! Good luck!" 

I thanked her and quickly ate my delicious breakfast. As I walked out the door, my caretaker hugged me and said, 

"Be careful, ok? See you later." 

I nodded my head as I plugged in my headphones with music wondering what my new life and the jour it would be like...... 

As I walk to the middle of the road, a big, 7-eyed curse looked at me and gurgled evilly as I ran towards him, I didn't predict my future because I wasn't paying attention. Just as I covered my face with my arms, a pair of strong hands pulled me aside and said, 

" Let me deal with this, stay here." 

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