Eighty-eight Bridge- part 1

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Y/N Pov: 

We silently rode to Megumi's old school. As we arrived, we got off the car and saw two students walking there. I kindly stepped up to them and asked,

"Hello, my name is Y/N L/N. Is there a chance that you can bring us to the principal office? Thanks a lot!" 

They were neglecting me and looking at Megumi. They looked so scared and immediately bowed down and said,

"Master Fushiguro!" 

I couldn't help but laugh at that joke, tears from the corner of my eyes. I said,


Megumi sighed and said,

"I told you, I used to be a delinquent." 

I patted his head,

"To me, you're just a total sweetheart <3"

He blushed. 

Then, we saw the principal, and he said,

"Oh! Fushiguro kun, it's great to see you again!" 

Megumi nodded as we all went to the principal's office to ask him about Megumi's sister. The principal said,

"Oh, I am so sorry Fushiguro kun, it's sad to hear." 

Megumi looked at him as he asked,

"Do you remember anything about my sister going to the Eighty-eight bridge?"

The principal scratched his head as he said,

"Yes, I remember. Even though not so clear, I remember your sister talking to her friend about going to the Eighty-eight bridge that night. They were all so excited in knowing if the cursed bridge was actual. After that night, your sister went missing. It was such a shame to everyone. After the night when she fell into a coma, I asked her friends that was companion her in the challenge. I asked them what happened. But they were all saying the same thing. Which was "It is cursed, it is cursed principal, it is cursed. I am so sorry I couldn't save her!"

Megumi covered his mouth as I saw tears coming out from the corner of his eyes. I pushed his head on my shoulders as he buried himself onto my chest. He started to cry, so painfully. I continued to ask,

"Sorry, Megumi couldn't stand the reminder and conversation. Do you mind if I keep asking you questions?" 

The principal nodded as I continued to ask if the other students remember the details of the curse that attacked Megumi's sister. Sadly, nobody remembered. We stood up and thanked the principal for helping us and assisting us with our investigation. With so little time left, we are going to fight the Eighty-eight curse tonight. 

Mahito Pov: 

"Brother, brother!" said one of the Curse Womb 2 that I forced a powerful human to eat. Haha, don't play with me, they are not even strong. Now that I've got three of my masterpieces completed, I can get them to kill those Jujutsu sources. I said,

"Curse Womb 1 and 2, please go to the Eighty-eight bridge tonight. I can sense that the well-known Jujutsu Tech trio is going there tonight. Kill them and bring them back to me!" 

Hehe! I laughed, tonight's going to be a fun game.....

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