Abandoned house in the snow

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You walk slowly as your bare feet crush the snow under you, along with your pack of wolves behind you. You hear a faint step from in front of you, your pack surrounds you while you all continue to walk. In the distance, a castle stands barely being seen with the snow in your eyes. You and your pack run down the hill and trot carefully through the village to its gate. Instead of it opening it won't budge, so you decide to take shelter in a seemingly abandoned house.

[ 1st person pov ]
'It's so.. cold..' I shiver, my pack surrounds me in a wolf hug. "It's just about warm." I giggle to them, making them playfully stick out their tongues. A heavy wave of tiredness is starting to surround me, and i drift away. As I flick my tail with the sudden warmth of fur on my skin. My pack is still around my sleeping body, warming it. A few wolves came and touched heads with me, barking with glee. "Calm down, Kalan." I laugh softly, they all howled lowly at me. It slowly turned into a cór of howling, along with giggling from me. "Alright, let's cuachta." I bark at them, laying with my wolf pack. "What would I do without you go léir." I mutter to them. I sniff the air, smelling food. "Lean." As the wolves follow me, the smell of rabbit pulls my paws into a small run. I accidentally run into a fence while looking behind at the pack, scaring the prey. "Léim!" You let out a small growl as you order Kalan, Beacán, and Eitilt. They claw and push up the fence and jump into the cage, I watch as they bite and claw into the rabbits. They carry several out, even going back to carry some out. As I and the pack feast on the prey, I slowly lift my head and nod my thanking at the wolves who killed the prey for me and the pack. Just as I and the pack finish, our ears pick up crunching in the snow. "bí san airdeall.." I growl quietly, but suddenly I saw the energy of a person behind me just as  I was grabbed by the scruff and yelped. My pack growl and bite at the scarily tall figure, ripping a bit of her cream white dress. They yelp and whine after being kicked. I noticed that she was headed for the gate, that was seemingly open now. My pack looked in anger and fear at me, before being caught between hundreds of.. flies? I whimper at the tighter grip the lady held at my scruff, but her face didn't change. I could hear the pack whine but I sigh and wag my tail slightly when I saw them walking with three humans in dark clothing toward the castle. The lady seemed to be going down a flight of stairs, along with your pack. She and the other humans threw you and the pack in to a large cage. It wasn't big enough for me and the pack, probably only half of the pack could fit properly. I growl and bark at them angrily, not afraid that a tall woman was locking her golden eyes with mine. "Be quiet mutt." She hissed at me and the pack, making me claw and bite at the cell the humans threw me in. 'If she or the other humans lay a hand on me or my pack I will mharú her..' I think with a growl, "Would you just-" She put her hand in the hurt me, but i refused it and bit her hand. "Are you alright mother?" The three humans said in a concerned tone, "I am fine my flori mici." Her eyes were soft on her daughters but narrow with anger at me. I slowly realised that my vulnerable body was left in that house, and someone or something may find it in their house or randomly. Soon after the thought, all four left and me and the pack waited for who knows how long. "At three, rith ag the cage with me. It should break, hopefully.." I howled quietly. With a loud crash me and the pack ran and ran and broke a window outside, soon finding the house and my sleeping body. I woke up in a rush as I heard a human from the gate, I ran in front of her knowing it was bad idea. "Listen please!" I beg, and she raised an eyebrow angrily. "I'm sorry for the damage, but I couldn't leave my body!" I pleaded, "What damage? I'm looking for a mutt and their pack!" She hissed. "I- Wait." I stare at her for a moment, before howling. With glowing golden eyes my pack emerged from the house and stood behind you, "What are you? Some weird Lycan?!" The lady asked with fury. "I am a Wolf walker. And this is my Pack, I apologise!" I screech and start running, the wolf pack following and the lady far behind.

[ 3rd person pov ]

You run and run, but you can't seem to lose her. You hear a weird sound from behind and turn to see a faint figure with large claws. "Fág mé ar m'aonar!" You scream at her, a wolf came and threw you onto its back from behind and carried you along with the pack quickly outrunning and hiding from her. After what feels like forever, you sigh with relief yet still you are terrified. "You do realise I can smell your fear?" You were startled, but she swept you up and held your throat. "I- I know I am not in position to speak.. But may my pack come? Keep us separated if you don't trust me and my pack but please." You begged.  "No." But she stopped for a moment as if she was thinking, "Yes." She finally stated after what felt like centuries. "Lean." Even if you were in a terrifying situation you were still happy your pack could follow. You nodded an awkward thanks which was hard as she held your neck, but she held it almost.. gently with care?

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