Working in the castle

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I walk through the cold area, snow crunching under my paws. Nearing the corner my ears picked up the sound of whining, and my eyes saw the smell of my pack. I started running, ignoring the shouting from behind and ran through the door. "I'm back!" I howled, the pack wasted no time to run and bark their reliefs to me. I noticed all of their ears turning and their eyes focus on something or someone behind me.

3rd person

"How could you run off like that?!" The lady screeched, "I didn't mean to." You bark and look down. "I can't understand you so there's no point in trying. I will watch you by the entrance so hurry up your session so we can leave." She hissed harshly, and you stare back at your pack. "I.. Apologise. I must leave." You bark, "We understand, remain safe okay?" Bláth stared up at you with relief and worry. "I will visit you whenever my lady allows, it may be next month, year, week, I don't know. Remember me, stay strong, and stay safe." You order and try to reassure them. "Yes ma'am!" They laugh and bark. You turn quickly and walk outside holding your snout down. Lady dimitrescu suddenly spoke, "There's no point to this right now but.. Ugh this sounds idiotic from me, are you alright?" She stared into your E/C coloured eyes, weirdly intently. Your lady suddenly shivers slightly, and you move to the side of her. "This doesn't really help but thank you, I suppose." She said with a blank face. When you finally return to her chambers you notice your body on her bed. And slowly walk to touch your hand with your paw and return consciousness. "I think.. I am alright my lady. I don't know." You mutter quickly.

1st person
I stare into her golden eyes, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly someone barges in, yelling; "MOTHER!! Are you done talking to them? I need to speak with them!" Daniela whined, "Almost, now go! Wait outside their room!" The lady shouted angrily. "Okay.. See you soon!" Daniela giggled before flying away, leaving lady dimitrescu with a hand on her head in a bothered manner.  "if you are to stay here you must work." "The head maiden, Eve, will deliver your uniform in the morning. She will show you around, tell you your duties and leave it at that. If you need it, other maidens will be around if you need help." She said slowly looking up and narrowed her eyes slightly clearly still annoyed with Daniela's interruption. "Now I'm sure Daniela is waiting, leave." My lady looked down and continued with her work. I left with a rush, nearly jogging down the hall to my room. "Yes Daniela?" I sighed slightly, "are you tired?" She asked excitedly. "Kind of.." I yawn. "If you fall asleep can I pleaseee pet you?" She cooed jokingly. "I guess." I turn and walk into the room, flipping onto the bed and slowly close my eyes. Suddenly I awoke, walking to Daniela and sitting. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I felt a charge of excitement run through her as she patted my head, scritching and scratching around my head. I wagged
my tail, a quiet "aww" came from Daniela as she looked at my tail. "Alright, but please promise me." I look with curiosity, "On break can you visit me in the library? And maybe when you sleep can I pet you?" She looked with clear 'if you don't I'll drink you dry' eyes, along with a hint of 'please? I'm so innocent' in them. I slowly nodded, before returning to the room and laying down.

[ Hours later ]
I awoke with a jolt in my humanoid form, the sound of knocking echoing around the room. Slowly after rubbing my eyes I reach the door and stare into Eve's eyes. "Yes?" I mutter, "Here is your uniform, I'll wait outside and tell you your tasks when you are finished getting dressed." Eve announced quickly, and then turned away.

[ 3rd person ]

While you're getting ready, you suddenly hear a loud "New Maiden! Head to my chambers!" Staring in confusion you quickly finish and head off to your lady's chambers. "Yes my lady?" You ask curiously, "It has occurred to me that I don't have your name, I must report it to the other maidens also so they don't slip up." She said with a harsh tone. "Y/N." You stare into her golden eyes blankly, waiting to be released to complete your tasks. "Thank you Maiden, you may return to your tasks for today." With a flick of her hand you leave quickly and head for Eve. "Alright, you must clean the armour stands downstairs, clean up the dishes after dinner, sort the books in the library, and help the other maidens with the washing." After a quick tour around, Eve took a breath, and smoothly walked away. "Alright then.." You try to memorise the duties before walking away, then make your way downstairs to grab the supplies for cleaning. After getting a duster you walk to the armour stands and clean between crevices, before moving onto the other stands around the castle. After a while the armour stands looked shining new, and with a swift movement you walk off to find the other maidens to help them. "Oh, hello!" A squeaky voice came from your side. "The clothing is over there, please help carrying it to the maidens washing them. Thank you." The blonde maiden grinned slightly, and then walked away. Quickly after, you walk to the pile of clothing. It slows you down with the mere weight, almost dropping it on the other maiden. "Hello, I'm Ashley. Who are you?" It seemed as if the brunette was trying to make small talk but you didn't mind. "Y/N, lovely name of yours by the way." You smile, making Ashley flash her teeth while cleaning. "Oh and that's flower," She said while pointing at the blonde, "June," Ashley pointed with her head again, "Emerald, and Anemone." The Red hair and black haired looked around for whoever said their name. "Thank you for the 'grand introduction'" You and her giggle quietly. "Well I have to go, slán!" You smile and jog away. You walk to the kitchen and ask, "Has dinner been served?" Patiently waiting for an answer. "Yes, you may dry the dishes Mary has washed." Emerald looked away blankly and started collecting more dishes for Mary.

1st person
Quickly grabbing a cloth, I head over to Mary to help with the dishes. "Hello, I'm Y/N." I tried to make quick small talk, "I'm Amber, Nice to meet you I suppose." Their eyebrows furrowed as they tried to clean the dried mess on the plates. I get to drying, sorting them into the right cupboards and drawers. "That is all, you can leave now." An annoyed voice came from behind. "Yes Emerald!" I chuckle and walk away. After reaching the library faint yelling could be heard. "Why are you so nice to them?!" Bela screeched, "You can't just share these things and ask these things to a random 'Wolf Walker,'" Cassandra said in a mocking voice, very much annoying me. "Mother found outside!" She shouted louder than anyone. I open the door quietly and walk to a bookshelf trying to ignore the sisters. "Hey!" Bela stared angrily at me, "Who are you to just waltz in here while we're arguing." Cassandra boomed, "Hello!" Daniela waved.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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