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Mj's P.O.V
"I was scanning YouTube through my tablet and saw a new video by Bee.And the title was "See you at Pax East" (Not a real video.I just made it up) So I clicked it and seen that it will be held at California.(I forgot sorry)
And so I stopped the video and looked at my saving and IT WAS ENOUGH! For two so I went ahead and asked my mom if I could bring my sis to Pax East and she agreed. So I asked my dad to drive me to the ticket office for plane tickets ,went back home,ordered 2 Pax tickets,booked for a room and packed my stuff.

---MAGICAL TIME SKIP (The next day)---
Mom and Dad brought them to the airport
"You guys just pls. Behave there" Mj's mom said
"Of course we will Mom" my sis replied
"OK now stop talking or you will be late" Dad said
After the conversation the two went inside the airport and waited for their flight
After 7 hours of travel (From the Philippines) they finally reached California! ( Yes! Finally)

Pheris P.O.V
Thank God we reached Cal. Safely!
While I was looking around I saw my little sister getting excited. I just laughed at her because she was like "Yes Finally! PAX EAST HERE I COME!) LOL
After that the two rode the bus and went to the hotel and rested there.

A/N Sorry guys! For such a short story. I really promise the next one will be long. I was just out of ideas. And if I said the wrong kind Of Pax. Please comment down and I will edit it and if it is not Cal. Also comment down thank you! ♥

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