Defending ellie

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Cassie sat in hogsmeade. It was early and she was meeting Ellie. She looked to her sister as she walked in and sat with her and frowned

Cassie could tell that she was off. She was worried. Cassie knew her sister and she knew when there was something up with her "why do you look as if you have been crying and please tell me that is not a bruise on your wrist" Cassie asked as she looked to Ellie

"I'm sorry"

"Don't tell me your sorry your my baby sister and it's my job to look after you. Tell me what happened"

"It was Harry and Ron. They were being horrid as I was talking to Draco malfoy. I'm friends with him okay. It's no big deal I am Harry potters little sister no one wants to be friends with me they use me to get close to him" Ellie said as Cassie looked to her little sister and smiled

"I would never be mad at you. Your my little sister and I'm sorry our brother is being a jerk. Have you told Sirius?" Cassie asked as Ellie shock her head

"Harry may be my brother but your my sister and you can't let people bully you"

"Your not my mum Cassidy"

"I know that but I am as good as. Our mum is dead and I'm the oldest sister and I swear I don't let those two get away with it" Cassie said

She knew one thing she hated was bullies and Harry and Ron weren't going to get away with bullying her little sister

Cassie walked into the common room as she saw Ron "Weasley" she said as she grabbed him by the throat and grabbed her wand as he whimpered

"I will tell you once you go near my baby sister. You bruise her or even think about bullying her I will perform the killing curse on you myself. Do you understand?" She asked as he nodded

She let him go as he ran off as she went to go for Harry who hung his head in shame "and you? Why you are meant to be her big brother. She can be friends with who you want too. I don't like your best friend so you will apologise to her or I will make sure that this tournament isn't the only thing that you can die in" Cassie spat as he nodded as she walked off

Cassie met up with Sirius and smiled. She looked to him "are you okay?" He asked as she smiled

"I'm okay. It's Ellie. Shes being bullied by Harry and Ron. I came close to killing them both" she said as he reached for her hand and smiled

"Your a good sister. Look I know that it's hard but let me sort it with Ellie okay" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek

Cassie looked to him and smiled. She knew how complicated that things were but she had no idea just how things were going to become and Cassie had no idea how her relationship with Sirius was going to change

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