Friday 30th of january 2015

144 7 19

I fall out of bed with a "THUMP" and a sore head. I stumble to the kitchen still half asleep and look at the clock. It read: 8:30. I turned around, walked back to my bedroom and hoped back into my bed. I lay there for 5 minutes or so then started to drift of into a sleep when suddenly I realised it was 8:30 and I had school today and I can't be late. I jumped out of bed and at top speed grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I sprinted down the street, turned the corner and to my luck the bus was still there. Few! I stopped to catch my breath but before I knew it the bus shut its doors and started down the street. Oh no! I screamed sprinting toward the bus. As I reached the bus I started jumping up and down waving my arms so much I could of sworn they nearly fell of. No one was listening to me so there was only one thing I could do. I ran as fast as I could and once I was 4 meters in front of the bus I ran into the middle of the road and put my hand in front of me signalling stop ✋. All of a sudden the bus driver slammed on the breaks, lost control, moving all over the road and into number 62's brick fence. My heart skipped a beat what have I got myself into. I froze not knowing what to do, then knowing what my mum would say started bolting away hoping no one would notice.😬

I ran down my street as fast as my legs could take me and pushed the door open collapsing to the floor gasping for air. Suddenly I heard my mums foot steps coming down the hallway. I didn't know what to do I searched the room for a hiding place and decided to hide under the coffee table as it had a cloth over the top of it. As I lay there I could here my mum enter the kitchen and fill up her water before heading back to the study to do her work.

All of a sudden a stabbing pain ran down my back and I realised I couldn't stay here all day and suddenly an idea struck me. I ran into the kitchen grabbed a glass, filled it up and pretended to fake vomited spilling the water over the floor so it sounded like i vomited on the floor. This was all because I couldn't catch the bus and if I asked my mum to take me to school she would be all suspicious. My mum came running into the kitchen and caught me straight with the glass in my hand and still making the fake noise. She stared at me full of frustration.
" Bella Mackenzie Elizabeth what on earth do you think you are doing trying to wag school!" She screamed staring at me red with fury before adding: "get in the car now before I call your father"
At that I ran to the car hoped in and buckled up. If my mum had called my dad he would have come home giving me a good lecture before embarrassing me in front of the whole school by talking to the principle and making it such a big deal when I only tried to wag school and maybe crushed a brick fence with a bus, right? Um anyway😬

My mum hoped in the car and ignored me the whole way to school, but when she dropped me off she said: "don't expect me to let me go to that concert that all your friends are going to because you need to have responsibility to go to things like that and obviously you don't" she boomed before driving off until the car was out of sight. My heart sank I had wanted to go the that concert for months and had been begging mum for ages and when I had nearly won her over I had
to make a foolish mistake like this and know I was never going to go to the concert. I walked towards school thinking how bad a morning I had had not knowing that that was only the start of it........

I ran down the school hallway and chucked all my stuff in my locker before starting down the hallway toward the math room with my books in my hand. I slowly pushed the door open and stopped frozen when everyone started laughing at me. I stood there confused, I mean what's so funny about being late?
"Nice pyjamas," Bethany remarked gasping for breath as she was laughing so hard. I slowly looked down and yes I was in my pyjamas, I had been so stressed to get out the door I had forgotten to get dressed. All of a sudden people grabbed out there phones and started videoing me, I turned red with embarrassment.
"No" I begged reaching out.
"Hahahahahahahah" the class continued laughing no matter how hard I tried to stop them.
Mr Marvin starred at me with laughter and anger at the same time before straightening up and saying:
" mrs Bella that has just given you a lunchtime detention," he said half laughing and adding "sit down immediately or else........"
I walked to the other end of the room and sat down before bursting into tears. I looked up and there were 20 phones facing me recording my every move. Maths period was a long dreadful period.

At morning tea I just walked around the school scuffing and dragging my feet as I went. As I walked past Bethany (the mean girl) she pushed me with her left shoulder, her purse falling out of her hands as she did it. With a sore bum I awkwardly stood up grabbing Bethany's purse on the way up and going to hand it to her when the yard duty teacher walked past and accused my of stealing Bethany's purse! I couldn't believe. Why on earth would I want Bethany's purse, I mean yeah I could use the money and she's probably rich like her father but I'm not a stealer I have never stolen anything........ I swear I haven't. I went for backup from Bethany hoping she'd admit that I didn't steal her purse, but predictably just went along with the whole thing!😡

So there I was sitting in the staff corridor waiting for the principle to finish her dinner and when she did she took me to her office.
" now first things first I will do the talking and if I hear one word from you Bella expelled you will be. I zipped my lips and sat tight, I mean how serious was she

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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