Blake comes back

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Lexi walks downstairs and sees her parents sitting on the couch waiting for her. Or seem to be waiting for her. Lexi jumps off the third to last step
Lr- hey mom, hey dad. What's going on?
Her dad raises his hand to his mouth
Ld- sh
Lr- sorry
A minute later, her brother, Blake, walks in
Lexi runs over to him and hugs him. Blake hugs back
Bl- hey sis
Lr- where have you been?
Lexi backs out of the hug and punches him in his shoulder
Bl- I'm sorry, I went to Morocco with Jess
Lr- you couldn't have informed us
Bl- I did
Lexi looks back at her parents and they look away
Lr- you could've informed me personally
Bl- I'm sorry sis, I thought they would've told you
Lm- we kinda forgot
Lr- for 3 months?
Lm- we've been busy
Bl- yeah I guess they didn't tell you this either
Lr- tell me what?
Bl- I'm getting married! In a week!
Lr- A week?!
Bl- yeah
Lr- congrats
Bl- yeah I proposed when we got to Morocco
Lr- that's great. And I never knew about it
Bl- I'm sorry sis
Lr- no it's fine, I mean it's not your fault that they forgot to tell me that you weren't kidnapped or missing you were just proposing to your girlfriend halfway across the world
Lm- well when you say it like that
Lr- it's bad anyways mom
Lm- yeah we know
Lr- I'm really happy for you
Lexi goes back upstairs and into her room. Blake runs up there after her but she locked her door
Bl- lex?
Blake knocks on the door
Lr- I'm not mad, ok
Bl- ok, but I still want to talk
Lr- it's fine ok, I'm good with it. I just wish you would've told me before you ran off so I wouldn't think the worst possible situations you could've gotten yourself into. I would've never thought it would be what really happened
Bl- I know. And I never meant to exclude you
Lr- but you did, and you didn't even tell me until a week before
Jess walks into the house and the parents hug her
J- baby?!
Lr- go. At least now I know what's gonna happen
Bl- but lex
Lr- Go, seriously
Bl- are you sure?
Lr- just go
Blake walks back downstairs and hugs Jess. Lexi starts breaking down, then Andrew FaceTimes her.
A- hey lex, what's wrong?
Lr- oh nothing
Lexi wipes her tears
A- don't worry, I'll be there in a jiffy
Andrew hangs up. Lexi keeps crying. She hears a knock on her window 5 minutes later and sees Andrew hanging on for dear life. Lexi walks over and opens the window
Lr- what are you doing here?
A- you seemed sad so I wanted to cheer you up, I even brought you your favorites
Andrew puts his hand out and gives her some sour patch kids and twizzlers
Lr- you didn't have to
A- I thought it was your monthly and these things usually cheer you up
Lr- it's not that
A- then what is it?
Lexi walks over to her bed and sits down. Andrew follows her and sits down right next to her
Lr- it's nothing
A- come on
Lr- no really
A- Come on
Andrew starts tickling her
A- tell me or I won't stop
Lr- no
Lexi starts laughing
Lr- stop
A- tell me
Lr- no
Andrew stops and then pulls her down and they lie down looking at the ceiling
A- tell me lex
Lr- it's Blake
A- what? Is he ok?
Lr- yeah he's getting married in a week
A- really? That soon?
Lr- he proposed when he "went missing" three months ago
A- that's what he did. Where has he been?
Lr- Morocco
A- What?!
Lr- yeah, and my parents knew about it the whole time and never told me
A- I'm so sorry lex
Lr- why? It's not your fault
A- I know, but nobody should never be lied to
Lr- speaking of that, no never mind
A- speaking of what?
Lr- oh nothing
Lexi sighs
A- don't make the tickle monster come
Andrew starts tickling her
Lr- no stop
Lexi laughs
A- then tell me
Lr- no
A- then why'd you bring it up
Andrew stops and Lexi sits up. Andrew sits up too
A- what?
Lr- I kinda have a secret
A- what is it?
Lr- I like you, like I really like you
A- I really like you too
Lr- really?
A- yeah
Andrew looks deeply into Lexi's teary eyes. He leans in and kisses her. The kiss goes on for only a minute but feels like forever. Andrew leans back
A- I'm sorry if that
Lr- don't apologize, it was kinda astonishing . Like really amazing
A- wow, I didn't know I had that effect on people
Lr- you do to me
Lexi hears footsteps coming and they stop at her door
Ld- lulu?
Andrew mouths- lulu?
Lexi mouths don't and shakes her head
Andrew nods
Lm- we want to talk, explain to you why we never told you
Lexi puts her hand over Andrew's mouth
Lr- it's ok, I get it. You guys were stressed and it wasn't your news to tell
Lm- how did you?
Lr- I do understand
Lm- ok
Ld- we'll see you at dinner then, and invite a friend cause we're going out
Lexi looks at Andrew and shrugs her shoulders
Andrew nods
Lr- ok
Lexi's parents go back downstairs
Lm- she understood
Bl- really? She seemed pretty upset
Ld- whatever she's doing in her room must've cheered her up
Bl- you don't think
Lm- how?
Ld- yeah there's nobody else here and they didn't come through the front or back door
Bl- her window
Ld- oh shit
Everybody runs upstairs. Lexi hears them
Lr- go hide in the closet
A- what?
Lr- their coming up here and you need to either go out the window or hide
A- I'll go hide
Lexi rushes over to the window and shuts it quietly. None of them hear her shutting her window
A- is this good
Andrew asks from underneath her bed
Lr- hopefully
Lexi's dad starts banging on the door
Ld- LEXI! Lexi Open Up!!!
Lr- I'm coming
Lexi bends down and shushes Andrew and then unlocks her door
Lr- yeah
Ld- why were you so calm?
Lm- and understanding?
Lr- I watched a bunch of funny videos on my phone that seemed to cheer me up. And then I watched a puppy dog video and it warmed my heart
Bl- that sounds reasonable
Ld- and her window isn't open
Lm- see Blake, had us worried for no reason
Bl- sorry
Lr- it's fine
They go back downstairs and Lexi locks her door again. Andrew gets out from underneath the bed
Lr- that was close
Lexi brushes off some dust on his shoulders
A- so?
Lr- so what?
A- are you my?
Lr- yes, I will be your girlfriend
A- ok good
Andrew kisses her
Lr- I'm glad we cleared all of this up
Lexi's mom comes back upstairs
Lm- we're going out in an hour if you want to start getting ready
Lr- ok
Her mom goes back downstairs
Lr- do you want to go get ready and then meet me back here
A- I mean I could, or
Lr- or you could just have a fiend bring something over?
A- yeah, I'll ask Caleb if he could bring over something nice
Lr- ok I'll go downstairs and see if it's tux or just casual nice clothes
A- ok
Lexi goes downstairs and Andrew gets in her closet in case somebody came in
Lr- hey guys?
Bl- yeah
Lr- is this like a black tie dinner or just like a short nice dress type of dinner
Bl- it's probably more casual then formal I would say
Lr- ok thanks, I just want my friend to know what to where and I wanted to know what type of dinner this was
Lm- it's not a really formal dinner
Lr- ok
Lexi goes back upstairs and shuts her door and locks it
Lr- it's just like a casual nice dinner
A- ok, I'll have him drop off a sweater and some black pants
Lr- ok

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