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Dr- no Lexi, your having two babies. Your pregnant with twins
Lr- I'm sorry what?!
Dr- your having twins
Lr- no that can't be possible. We used a condom and only 1 little swimmer got through. There's not enough room for two
Dr- that's not how that works
Lr- my body can't process two babies at the same time. And how am I supposed to feed them, one on each nipple
Dr- it's not a bad strategy
Lr- I'm not kidding. How am I supposed to take care of two babies if I'm stressing out over one
Dr- at least you won't have two of the same gender
Lr- I'm having a boy too?
Dr- yes. Your having a boy and a girl
Lr- oh my gosh. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god
Dr- don't stress out
Lr- don't stress out? How am I supposed to be calm? I'm having freaking twins
Dr- it's not like they'll outnumber you
Lr- yes they will. What if Andrew's at work? What am I supposed to do then?
Dr- aren't you guys YouTubers or something?
Lr- yeah but he still has to go to meetings
Dr- and you don't?
Lr- no my brother takes care of my part on the meeting wise while I do my videos and stuff
Dr- why can't Andrew just have somebody do that for him?
Lr- it's too late now
Dr- why?
Lr- it just is ok
Dr- your not going to be alone, I promise
Lr- how do you know?
Dr- I have two sets of twins and a set of triplets, and I wasn't alone one second of it all
Lr- how?
Dr- you'll have them. You'll never be alone again with your kids
Lr- my parents seem alone
Dr- because they have grown up kids. That's when you start to get lonely. But as long as you do it right, they'll come back
Lr- how do I know if I'm doing it right?
Dr- they come back. That's the only guarantee you'll have is if they come back to you
Lr- thanks
Dr- no problem
Lr- am I done here?
Dr- yes. You can go. I'll see you in 5 weeks Lexi
Lr- see you in 5 weeks
Lexi walks out and texts Pierson she's ready. Pierson pulls up front and Lexi gets on
P- hey how'd it go?
Lr- can you drive me to my parents house? I need to tell them something
P- sure, but can you tell me what's going on on the way over there
Lr- yes just drive
P- ok
Pierson starts driving to Lexi's parents house
Lr- I'm having twins
P- wait what?
Pierson screeches to a stop
Lr- are you sure you should be driving?
P- yeah yeah I'm good
Lr- ok
Pierson starts driving again
P- your having twins?
Lr- yep a boy and a girl
P- oh wow. That's just wow
Lr- I know
P- but I want you to know that you'll never be alone in this. You'll always have us no matter what
Lr- thanks P
Pierson gets to her parents house
P- here you go
Lr- thanks Lexi walks in
Lexis mom- hello? Whose there?
Lr- its just me
Lexis mom rushes to the front door and hugs her
Lexis mom- oh honey. I'm sorry about all of this
Lr- it's fine
Lexi's mom- no it's not
Lr- I actually have something to tell you
Lexis mom- what is it?
Lr- you did a good job. Somebody told me that you'll know you did a good job if they come back and I came back. Not too love here again, but to say hi
Lexi's mom- hi baby. And I feel like those words are familiar. Did you go to Dr Ryan?
Lr- how'd you know?
Lexis mom- I asked here the same thing when I was pregnant with Blake because I didn't know if I could handle having two kids
Lexis mom realizes
Lexis mom- wait, are you pregnant?
Lr- yeah mom. I am
Lexis mom- I'm so happy for you
Lexis mom hugs her
Lexis mom- how far along are you?
Lr- almost four months
Lexis mom- wow. Do you know the gender?
Lr- yep a boy and a girl
Lexis mom- wait what?
Lr- I'm having twins mom
Lexis mom- twins?! I can see why you'd be scared
Lr- yeah. Me and Andrew have know that I'm pregnant for almost 3 months but I just found out I'm having twins before I came here. And we've been planning for a girl but now we also need to plan for a boy too
Lexis mom- so Andrew doesn't even know you guys are having twins?
Lr- no. But I'm calling him right now to tell him
Lexi FaceTimes Andrew
A- hey babe
Lr- hey
A- how'd it go? How's my angels ?
Lr- guess what?
A- what?
Lr- we're not planning for just one baby now
A- two? We're having twins?
Lr- yeah
A- are they both girls?
Lr- no
A- are they both boys?
Lr- no
A- so we get one of each?
Lr- yes. Wait you already knew we're having one girl
A- I thought the dr also messed up on the gender. It can happen sometimes
Lr- yeah I guess
A- I'll meet you at home
Lr- I'm not home yet but me and Pierson are heading there we're about an hour out
A- have you eaten?
Lr- I ate breakfast earlier
A- have Pierson stop and get you something to eat. As much as I want to hear about today, I want you and our babies taken care of more
Lr- ok hon. I'll grab something to eat on the way home
A- good. I'll see you. I love you
Andrew blows a kiss
Lr- I love you too
Lexi blows a kiss back
Andrew hangs up
Lexis mom- you guys are adorable. I can't even imagine how the mini you'd are gonna turn out. If you want me in their lives of course
Lr- of course I want you in their lives. The only person who isn't is Blake
Lexis mom- ok. Well you better get going. I don't want your fiancée waiting for you
Lr- we're not engaged
Lexis mom- oh I thought you guys were
Lr- we're not
Lexis mom- well you guys obviously want to be
Lr- I guess I haven't really thought about that
Lexi's mom- you've had other things and people to worry about. But when you guys do get married. Can you invite me to the wedding or at least send me pictures?
Lr- of course
Lexis mom- I love you honey
Lr- I love you too
They hug and lexi leaves with Pierson
P- that didn't seem too bad
Lr- it wasn't
P- that's progress
Lr- yeah I guess. Andrew wants you to stop and get me some food since I'm eating for three and I haven't eaten since breakfast
P- yeah that's not good
Pierson drives to Ben's fast food and orders Lexi some food and they drive back to the apartment
Lr- I have a dinner in like 3 hours I really don't need to be eating right now
P- yea you do. You haven't eaten for six hours. You need to eat
Lr- ok I'll eat
P- I have a feeling you and your family are gonna be okay by the time the twins come
Lr- hopefully. Have you guys heard from or seen Blake?
P- no. I don't think Brent has either but I might be wrong
Lr- how do you feel about a little spying on my brother?
P- that sounds like fun actually, and I have his exact location right now
Lr- great now we can see what he's doing
Pierson drives to Brent's location while Lexi eats her food in the car. By the time they get there, Lexi ate all of her food
P- I guess you were hungry
Lr- yep
They walk inside the building
Lr- this checks out
P- yep
Brent turns around
Br- hey guys what are y'all doing here?
Brent walks up to them while kailey runs into Lexi's room
P- hey babe
Pierson kisses him
Br- what's going on?
Lr- just wanted to let kailey know that she's gonna have two cousins
Br- yeah yours and Blake's
Lr- make that three
Br- no way. Your having twins
Lr- yep. I thought you would've guessed that Brice was having a kid
Br- he's smooth but not that fast
Lr- fair enough
Br- is that what dr Ryan wanted to tell you?
Lr- yep and some advice too
Br- one kid is hard, I can't imagine two at the same age and having the same birthdays
Lr- yeah those are gonna end up being a problem in the future
Br- well I hope that you can get though ruses next five months pretty smoothly
P- yeah cause I was a mess
Lr- and you didn't hide it for three months so I would say I'm doing pretty well
P- yeah but these next months are gonna kick you off of your ass
Br- Pierson
P- sorry kailey, sorry kids
Lr- I'll be fine. Now I gotta go home before I throw up everything I just ate
P- yeah let's go
Lexi and Pierson hurry to the car and rush back to the apartment. Andrew unlocks the door and Lexi runs into the bathroom and throws up
A- I thought we were past this phase
P- it might be what I got here
A- what did you do?
P- I got here something healthy from Ben's fast food. Why?
A- we don't eat there ever since she got food poisoning from there on a date
P- yeah that might be it
A- what did you get her?
P- it had chickpeas in it. I thought it was good for the baby
A- not for her
P- she's allergic isn't she?
A- yep

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