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We walked into my house and I told Louis that he could walk Harry up to my room. I really needed to talk to my so-called 'family and friends'. Louis understood and he went up the stairs with a crying Harry right in front of him. I watched them go up, and when I heard my bedroom door open and close, I looked at the four people who were supposed to support me no matter what. Gabe decided to speak up first, saying, "So why the fuck did you punch me back there. I wasn't the one who fought. That was your so-called boyfriend up there."

"If you really wish to know why I punched you back there. It's because I know about your plan. I know that you have been planning to break me up with my boyfriends with my family and I was pissed with how low you were destined to go to make it happen. Nick is Harry's ex and his ex caused him a lot of pain. Mentally and emotionally. To which of course he was going to be Harry's trigger no matter what. Now if it was really some random stranger to Harry, then Harry would've simply ignored them. He's not the type to hook up with random people."

"How do you know? Harry could be a fucking cheater without you knowing!" My brother shouts and I was going to match his energy of course.

"Because he has trust issues, asshole! It takes a lot for him to open up and he wasn't going to let someone just walk up to him and chat as if they didn't have a bad past. He also hates cheaters, and he told me many times that he would rather break things off with me before he even thinks about making a move on someone else." "He could've made a move on that girl, and he wouldn't even tell you that he was doing so!" "He's gay as hell, Sarah! He fucking feels sick to the thought of being with women. I asked him that if he was straight, would he like to be with someone like you and he nearly threw up! He always puts distance between him and women. Unless it was his fucking mom!"

"You don't understand-" "No! None of you understand! If I didn't trust them, then I wouldn't fucking be with them. If I felt threatened by them in any way, then I wouldn't fucking be with them! Don't you guys realize that!? I'm not that fucking desperate to be with someone and I'm not stupid! I know what I'm getting myself into and if I need your fucking help, then I would've asked for it already! They are good people deep down. You just didn't bother getting to know them!" I screamed and the house was completely silent.

"I understand that you care for me and that you are looking out for me, but don't do something like this! This is just nasty and it screams betrayal in my eyes! I mean shit Gabe, you were woman after woman before you got with Sarah. I didn't plan a whole scheme to break the two of you up, now did I? No! Because I fucking love the both of you and I supported the both of you! You two are my best friends, so of course I was going to support your relationship. Now you don't want to do the same for me?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!"

Gabe and Sarah looked at each other before they looked at the floor. "Now you messed with my boyfriends head?! You brought a bad past back to him and he's crying his fucking eyes out upstairs! He actually thought that you wanted to hang out with him and I thought the same thing! That's why I acted so nonchalant on the phone when you first called me. I thought that you had a change of heart and I thought that you two were going to be friends at the end of the night! I guess I was fucking wrong!"

"We're sorry...we didn't think-" "None of you thought anything!" "We know and we're sorry! I didn't know that Harry was getting comfortable with me and I didn't know that the guy was a bad person in Harry's past. I just thou-" "You thought what? You thought he just likes to start fights for the fun of it? You see Gabe, if you actually sat down with Harry, then you would've learned that Harry is not the type to be violent. Now if he sees you as a threat, then yes he's going to defend himself. He told me that if you were to put your hands on him then it was going to get violent. He doesn't tolerate physical attacks with anyone."

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