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Collecting more losers



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ARIA OPENED HER EYES FROM THE NOISE COMING from downstairs. "What the fuck"she mumbled and stomped downstairs. "Can't you guys be any louder?"She asked with obvious that she was not happy about it. "You're not a morning person huh."Richie said.Aria groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Aria,be nice to your brothers friends."Her mother said from the other room. "Sorry mommy."She apologized. "What nerdy stuff are you off to anyway?"She asked. "We're going to the b-b-b-barrens."Bill whispered so their mother couldn't hear. "Why would you go to the barrens?"Aria asked. "To find Georgie."Eddie said. "Come on."Richie said as they walked to the door.

"Eddie bear,where are you guys off to in such a rush?"Their mother asked. "To my backyard Mrs. K.I got a new..."Bill got stuck. "He's got a new crochet set.Jeez,spit it out b-b-b Bill."Richie mocked. "Okay.Sweetie just don't roll on grass.Especially if it's newly cut.Oh and Aria.Why don't you go with them.You need to make some new friends."Mrs K said.

"Okay mommy."Aria replied.The losers were confused.Why did she agree so fast. "Wait,I need to change."Aria said and quickly got ready.They were about to go outside but heard Mrs K. "Aren't you two forgetting something?"She asked

Aria felt her face heat up.She was embarrassed.So embarrassed.Eddie and Aria slowly approached their mom and kissed her cheek. "Do you want for me to Mrs K?"Richie asked sarcastically. "Shut up."Aria nudged him. "Sorry mommy."Eddie said as they all went outside.

Everyone got on to their bikes.They all looked at Aria. "I don't...ride bikes."She said. "Y-you can hop on to m-m-my bike."Bill said. "Thanks"Aria said and hold on to Bill. "So,hot stuff.Why are you coming with us?"Richie asked Aria. "It's better than being alone in the house.My friends are out of town.They're not even real friends.But if one of you tell someone about this.You all are dead."She said glaring at Richie. "Where is the noodle head anyways?"Aria asked out of curiosity.

"H-he'll c-catch up with u-us."Bill answered.



"THAT'S POISON IVY,AND THAT'S POISON IVY,AND THAT'S poison ivy."Stanley said as he walked. "Where?Where's the poison Ivy Stanley?"Eddie asked. "Nowhere,not every fucking plant is poison Ivy Stanley."Richie said annoyed. "What he said."Aria said referring to Richie. "Why are you here anyways?"Stanley asked the girl while his voice cracked.

"I'm starting to get ichy now,so-"Eddie started. "Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"Richie asked. "Sometimes,yeah"Eddie replied. "Then you probably have crabs."  "That's so not funny."

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