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"𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊,𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐆-𝐆-𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃.There's the iron works, and the black spot.Everywhere It happens, I-It's connected by the sewer.And they all meet up at the-" Bill was cut off  "well house"Ben said.

"It's the house above neibolt street"Stanley said. "Tabitha lives next to that house."Aria stated. "You mean that creepy ass house where the junkos and hobos like to sleep?"Richie added. "I hate that place."Beverly said. "I always feel like It's watching me."

"That's where we saw it.Thats where we saw the clown"Eddie said. "T-tha-tha-that's where it lives."Bill added. "Oh, shit.What if something happens to my parents.O-or If something happens to me.I litteraly live next to it.We're litteraly neighbors,neighbors!"Tabitha panicked.

"H-hey,It's okay.We won't let anything happen to you, we won't let anything happen to any of us"Bill reassured the girl. "I can't imagine someone ever wanting to live there."Stanley said.Tabitha glanced at him.

"Can we stop talking about this?I-I-I can barely breath, this is summer.We're kids, I can barely breath.I'm having a fucking asthma attack.I'm not doing this!"Eddie said and took the map off.

"What are you doing?Put it back."Bill demanded.Eddie shaked his head as a no.

The projector started to flicker.Everyone's attention got drawn to the wall. "What happened, what's going on?"Stanley questioned. "I'll fix it, wait."Mike said.

"Georgie..."Bill said as they saw Bill and his family photos flickering. "Bill"Stanley called. "What the fuck is that?!"Eddie yelled.

Aria and Stanley clasped into eachother.Bot letting eachother go. "Turn it off.Turn it off!"Beverly shouted. "Yeah turn it off, turn it off!"Stanley added.Mike kicked the projector.

Aria and Stanley stood there.Still clasping on to eachother.The clown jumped out of the screen and turned to the two lovebirds. They both screamed in terror."Run Stan,Run Aria!"richie yelled, which they did.

It was about to get Beverly but Tabitha and Bill opened the gate as fast as they could.Beverly was about to hug bill but saw Tabitha.She instead hugged her best friend. "Thanks for saving me."Beverly thanked. "It's nothing."Tabitha answered.

"It knows where we are.It saw us and it knows where we are."Eddie said. "It always did"Bill added. "So let's go."

"Go?Go where?"Ben asked. "Neibolt"Bill stated. "That's where G-g-g-g-Georgie is."

"After that?"Stanley questioned. "Yeah It's summer, we should be outside."Richie said. "If you say Summer one more f-f-fucking time."Bill said and biked out. "Bill!"Tabitha called out. "Bill,wait!"Beverly screamed.

"Bill!Bill you can't go in there.This is crazy"Beverly said. "Well, you do t have to come in with me.But what happens if another Georgie goes missing?Or another Betty,or Ed Corcoran, or one of us?Are you just gonna pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town?Because,I can't.I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there.His clothes, his toys,hi stupid stuff animals are they but, he isn't.So walking into this house, for me it's easier than walking into my own."Bill said.

"Wow"Richie said. "What?"Ben questioned. "He didn't stutter once."Richie replied. "Wait! Shouldn't we have someone watch?"Stanley asked. "You're such a wuss"Aria mumbled that only Richie and Stanley could hear.Stanley rolled his eyes and couldn't hep but let out a small smile . "You know, just in case something bad happens."

"W-who wants to stay out here?"Bill asked.Everyone except Beverly,Tabitha and Aria raised hands. "And that's why girls are better."Aria said. "Fuck"Richie mumbled



"CANT BELIEVE I PULLED THE SHORT STRAW.YOU got lucky we're not measuring dicks"Richie said. "Shut up Richie"Eddie stated. "I can smell it."Eddie complained. "Don't breath through your mouth."Richie said. "How come?"Eddie asked. "Cause then you're eating it."Richie replied.

"What?"Bill asked looking over at Richie who looked nervous. "This says I'm missing"

"You're not missing Richie."Bill said which made Tabitha nods. "That's my shirt,that's my hair,that's my face,that's my name."

"This isn't really."Bill said trying to snatch the paper away from Richie. "That's my name,that's my age,that's my birth date."Richie panicked. "This isn't real Richie."Bill said .

"Tabitha, honey,I'm here.Help me."the brunette heard her "mother"call from behind. "Mom?"She questioned.She started going up the stairs which made cracking noises.

She saw a door.She opened it and saw her parents. "Mom,dad!"She panicked.She turned around and saw bill and Richie who just got up the stair. "Tabitha get out of there!"Bill yelled but soon the door got shut.Tabitha ran to the door and started to try to get the door open. "Bill!Bill!Richie!Help!"Tabitha yelled. "We're going to get you out of there!I promise!"Bill shouted. "Please!"Tabitha yelled. "It's coming!"

She turned around and saw her parents bleeding.They were turning into blood.Bow they have melted.But they were blood.The blood started rising. "What the heck."Tabitha mumbled. The blood was now at Tabitha's necks level. "Bill!Richie!Are you there!Im drowning!"Tabitha yelled. "Eddie!"

The blood finally rose to the level where Tabitha couldn't breath.She tried to find the door handle.The door opened as she got thrown to the floor by the half liquid red thing.She was out of breath.She started running "Bill!Eddie!Richie!"She yelled again. "Shit."She mumbled.Tabitha ran here and there.She was in a dark place.She could hear her friends voices.She kept running until she fell.

The girl felt a sharp pain in her lower stomach.She groaned as she fell.She felt someone pull her up.She met eyes with Aria. "Hey,You okay?"Aria asked. "Ask me tomorrow."Tabitha answered.

"We can't let him get away!"Tabitha heard Bill say and leave. Everyone rushed over to Tabitha. "Hey,what happened?"Richie asked. "I fell."The girl answered. "Oh,no shit."He replied facing the girl that was covered in blood.

They heard Eddie groan from the other side.They all now rushed over to him.

"No!No!"he yelled. "Do not fucking touch me!"Eddie yelled at Richie. "Do not touch me!"

"1,2,3"Richie counted and "fixed"Eddie's arm.Everyone ran out of the house. "Hey!what's happening?!"They all heard a voice from next door.
"Mom!"Tabitha yelled and ran to hug her. "What happened to you?Your lower stomach is bleeding."

"We were attacked."Beverly said. "What?by who?"Mrs Drew asked.No one answered. "Okay, you can come in if you'd like, oh boy what happened to you?Get inside"Mrs Drew said as she looked at Ben. "No,thanks.Actually we're heading home."The boy replied. "Okay, well be careful"Mrs Drew said as her and Tabitha entered the house.

"Mom it's not their fault."Aria said. "Don't you dare talk to me like that after what you've done!Get in the back seat!"She yelled.

"W-we were attacked Mrs K."Bill said. "No,don't!"Mrs K warned. "Don't try to blame this on anyone else."

Mrs K dropped her car keys and Beverly tried to help. "Step back!Oh I heard you miss March,and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

"Mrs K, I s-s-"Bill started. "No!You are all monsters.All of you.And Eddie and Aria is done with you.Did you hear me?Done."

They all watched the car leave.


𝐀 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓•ˢᵘ ᵇᵈWhere stories live. Discover now